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Everything posted by anime52k8

  1. I think the obvious next question is; when do we get SOC Titanus?
  2. This assertion makes me sad. I want more wing suits.
  3. Payed for mine and for PW shipping today. hope to get it soon.
  4. I'm really far behind on this. I was just wanting to say how cool this looks, and that I like how much like armada starscream this looks. but now I don't know what to think.
  5. I like the VF-0 panel lines.
  6. I never realized how chunky MB strike freedom was, I kind of like it.
  7. Gamera was my favorite as a kid. I've never seen the MST3K version, but I was obsessed with the 1995 movie after I first saw it. For me Mothra, Gamera and Godzilla are my 3 favorite monsters.
  8. ok, "Stupidly expensive" is a bit of an exaggeration. The Falcon is a special case though because Star Wars Fans are obsessive.
  9. this looks like the cutest thing ever.
  10. The original ship in a bottle would have been stupidly expensive and the bottle looks better on the production kit anyways.
  11. Does this make it worth almost $300? maybe.
  12. random aside, a prop maker on facebook that I fallow has been working on their own God Phoenix. I think it looks pretty cool. https://www.facebook.com/VectorSigmaCreations/
  13. But so far all of them have been very good, enjoyable films that built positively on the original films. as for Burton's Apes remake, it was god awful but I'd still watch it over any of the Apes films made after it.
  14. Ok, now that looks like Buster Gundam, I was wondering if it was some sort of MoShow deal where you had to buy two toys in and then do a bunch of part swapping or something.
  15. I'm confused, is that supposed to be a buster gundam? because it's super off it it is.
  16. ohhh, new monsterarts Gamera. I really wish I had gotten the 1996 version when it wasn't ludicrously expensive.
  17. ugh... now I wish I got an Astrea even more. I don't even like the Avalanche parts all that much, I just want the set for the extra shields and the GN sword I.
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