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Everything posted by anime52k8

  1. The party wagon, bat-mobile and General Lee will 100% never happen.
  2. you say that like it's a bad thing.
  3. Why though? The movie was idiotic; it made less than no sense. it made negative sense.
  4. If I had $600 to spend on a single figure... frankly I still wouldn't get this, I'd much rather get another doll. but I respect anyone who loves Unicron enough to say 'Yes I need this in my life'
  5. That's a thing of beauty but the price is a bit of an ouch.
  6. I think I must be really out of the loop because I just found out that there's a massive official Omega Supreme coming out next month. And it actually looks kind of good. and he's at least $100 cheaper than the next cheapest 3rd party figure in it's size range. I'm feeling very tempted.
  7. Also, does anyone have any opinions on X-Transbot's version of Wildrider as a stand-alone toy? I'm not looking for another giant combiner and I don't really care for Menasor in general, but I'm really liking what I've seen of their Wildrider's car mode and I'd really like a nice looking 308 GTB that turns into a robot.
  8. Did you end up hacking your MS-01's to pieces or are you still playing on selling one whole? I think I spent too much time going back and forth between TE-01 and MS-01 because MS-01 is sold out most places.
  9. It's... Beautiful. https://www.gundamkitscollection.com/2019/07/p-bandai-mg-1100-gundam-heavyarms-ew.html?fbclid=IwAR3JflpXVzxaoWR-AAaS2hirYhuMM0hNvl5Rd76rbrMy9Hp2_QA5YeAeKy8
  10. $300 doesn't go that far anymore. $300 doesn't even get you a prime with trailer anymore. And it's still a better deal than anything flame toys has offered. :edit: of course you could always wait for the oversized Chinese knock-off version.
  11. Needs more Adidas logos for real though I dig it, though not $230 dig it. hopefully they do a figuarts of it.
  12. just turn him up-side down without all the extra bits. I've been committed to not buying any more transformers toys for a while now, especially retail stuff; but this Shockwave is strangely compelling to me. I actually really like the super spaceship and four armed robot.
  13. This is the worst halo comic I've ever read and I don't like it.
  14. Is it weird that I kind of want this even though I've not actually built my Nu gundam? https://showzstore.com/pre-order-rage-nucleon-bc-t01-high-mobility-backpack-upgrade-kit-for-mg-rx-93-rx93-nu-gundam_p1499.html
  15. does netflix have the movies streaming too or does someone else carry them?
  16. Two questions: 1) When Mari refers to "Mrs. small doll" is she talking about Asuka or Rei? 2) How and why does WILLE have 8 Iowa-class battleships?
  17. I mean, her look WAS everything I've ever wanted in life.
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