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Everything posted by anime52k8

  1. I love that not only is that SDF-1 blatantly traced from a specifically identifiable toy stock photo; but it's clear that they traced and colored it at a larger size then down-scaled it so they could paste it into that panel.
  2. that's kind of what I want. I like the transformation on MP-36, but I'm getting really paranoid about paint rubs and scuffs. BTW, I'm really curious about the leg ratchets on the IT. I know there's an extra set on the hips, but are the other ratchets any different? I feel like I just can't get the legs in a position where there isn't some sort of lean going on (I'm not even sure if this is a real thing or just my imagination).
  3. I'm Sure Lucas will have the engine color issue corrected for the 4K release.
  4. Aggh! You're thinking in Japanese, aren't you? If you must think, do it in German!
  5. I need some serious help. ShowZ is getting a second run of IT01 in stock for $80 with EMS shipping soon and I need someone to slap me upside the head and tell me not to pull the trigger because I've just dumped WAY to much money into MP transformers lately and I absolutely don't need two MP-36's even though I'm REALLY tempted by all the talk about how good IT01 is and if I had a second Megs I could go to town painting Dynastron in toy colors. (please send help I need an intervention).
  6. LOL at admitting in a public post that you're using a second account to circumvent a ban.
  7. So... does that mean I can count you in for the glorious revolution, Commrad?
  8. Basically we need to abolish the bourgeois institution of speculation, seize the means of toy production and insure equitable distribution of Valkyries to all based on need.
  9. I've got one very important question; if you turn it upside-down, will the wings stay in place?
  10. I feel like there isn't really that much of a possibility of this happening. I Just don't think it's realistic that Hasbro is going to sink actual money into legal action for no benefit to them purely out of spite over a failed crowdfunding drive. It's not even much of a lose if this project fails. You're talking about less than 0.1% of Hasbro's FY2018 revenue here.
  11. As I said I'm seriously considering the same thing. As to your concern, (not my picture, just my edits) the inner surfaces of the legs (everything in red) physically touch in gun mode but don't actually peg together. the whole thing is held together by a big peg/ socket on the front strap (blue) and a second peg you can't see on the back strap (about where the green arrow is). It takes some effort to pry the legs apart but you don't actually have to pry on the surfaces you'd be painting. as for how strait the gun mode is, It's kind of hard for me to say, I'll try to get a picture or two of mine. a slightly loose, wobbly barrel is an issue on mine though. Maybe I'm weird, but I love this MP-36 mold. for me he's the only MP size megs that gets the head and legs right. I don't find his transformation that difficult either and I'm not even really bothered by the pack view.
  12. Do you guys think The MP-10 mold is worth picking up for the first time at this point? BBTS has MP-10SG marked down to $80 and it's kind of tempting.
  13. Honestly, while I liked the Darker gunmetal of Dynastron over MagTen's silver, I'm seriously considering painting the inner legs red on mine. besides the chromed out MP-36+, I think those two are the only ones with metallic paint jobs. Pros for the MagTen (besides the paint) are an extra smirking face, a clear mini-stand for the gun mode and all of the Decepticon insignia are printed on the figure. On the downside, all of MagTen's faces are a slightly pinkish white; The printed insignia are all cartoon style, with the toy chest one being too large and spilling over onto the squiggles; and IMO the electronics in the fusion cannon are the worst of the KO's. The audio quality isn't very good and it only has 3 English lines on the same setting as the transformation sound, (the main dialog setting is all Chinese). As for IT, I understand why people say it's the best but TBH all the things that it offered either didn't interest me that much or were a turn-off compared to the THF. If anyone cares I'll could take some pics and do a write up on my experience with Dynastron.
  14. because Macross doesn't generate ¥80 billion in retail sales annually.
  15. Even from the front I don't like it. I don't like how short the arms are, I don't like the shape of his torso and the head sculpt is strait up nightmare fuel. Basically the only part of the bot mode I like is from the waist to the ankles, everything else looks terrible. The Choro-Q alt mode is pretty cute but I kind of prefer realistic alt modes for cars. Also the fact this costs more than sunstreaker and over twice what mp-21 costs is insane. If anything I think I'd rather get the G2 bumblebee.
  16. Arguably the first transforming robot toy was Popy's DX Raideen chogokin released in 1975, so transforming robots have been a thing for at least 44 years.
  17. To be fair, Cartoon Menasor's whole look was being complete robot with 4 cars strapped to it's arms and legs. and as for Constructor's pants; at least those were homaging the way the G1 toy combined.
  18. THF's primary paint color is a darker, more metallic gunmetal color vs IT's grey The sculpt on the damaged chest and head are crisper The scope has a better quality speaker and a brighter purple LED (IT's is red) The sculpt on the Damaged chest and face are crisper on the THF The THF comes with the G1 toy face and squiggle chestplate. Also the THF's are crazy cheap on Ebay right now. I got mine for $60.
  19. Magic square's MS-01X (the metallic version). He's pretty awesome and I really like him. I'm still undecided on if I want to get faction stickers for my 3rd/4th party stuff.
  20. I wish somebody would do a Gerbera tetra custom, I like the way it looks a lot more than the original design.
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