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Everything posted by anime52k8

  1. they're still taking orders for the second batch. TBH I'm in the same boat. if From Japan can't get it I'm just going to say money saved for now and let it be.
  2. still no update. If they can't get it they can't get it.
  3. order pending with from japan, we'll see how this goes.
  4. I'm kind of hoping it means they're going to do a Snow White final form (this is just the prelude version after all).
  5. I want to know about the "upgraded form" they talk about on the order page.
  6. The Savi's workshop experience was 100% worth the extra money though.
  7. well, they did something like five order periods for the original wing zero, so it's not surprising.
  8. Is this for some sort of weird star trek/mass effect crossover?
  9. Wow, that is a hot mess. BTW, why is it hovering over water when it's using space only FAST packs?
  10. So who is the best place to order snow white from? I haven't ordered p-bandai from anywhere but bluefin and NY in a while.
  11. These are my first adult collectable lightsabers but from what I've read the legacy line is definatly better than the older master replica and black series Force FX sabers. The legacy sabers use interchangeable RGB blades so you can display/wear just the hilt and they have color change on hit which is cool (Rey's flashes from blue to yellow and my build-a-saber flashes from violet to green). The sound is also supposed to be better with more unique noises. The only thing I don't like is that the motion noises aren't very responsive.
  12. I just got back from a trip to Disneyland yesterday. Got to check out Galaxy's edge for the first time and really enjoyed it. I did the Custom lightsaber experience which was awesome and picked up a Rey legacy hilt. Building the custom lightsaber was so much fun and I think it turned out pretty cool; And the Legacy saber is a thing of beauty.
  13. honestly, the art on this is pretty good and I kind of dig the SDF-3. Frankly it's a little boring now that it's actually competent looking and not a bizarre comedy crap-show.
  14. I actually really enjoyed this one, the action was a lot of fun and Mackenzie Davis was really a stand out. It's too bad the movie didn't do well, this is the first Terminator film where I've actually wanted to see where they go in a future film.
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