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Everything posted by anime52k8

  1. hopefully; I'm excited just to find out how they do it. what color scheme will they use, what accessories are they going to include, how are they going to do the pylons, will they work in any features of the Mark.09? so exciting.
  2. No source, they haven't said anything about doing units beyond 01 and 02, I'm just demanding Bandai get off their butts and make more MB EVAs so I can give them my money.
  3. The worst thing about MB Unit-02 is how much it makes me want more MB Eva stuff. I'm fighting hard not to buy an overpriced unit 01, and DAMN IT BANDAI just announce MB unit 00 and unit 08 already! I NEED THEM!!!
  4. The MB Eva-02 has started off another Evangelion kick for me so I'm looking at Asuka figures again. I'm trying to decide between these two and Could really use some opinions. seated on is 1/7th scale, is about ~$145 shipped from Amazon. the standing one is 1/6, it's a hobby japan exlusive but amiami has one used for $161+shipping from japan.
  5. I didn't realize that G40 is set in Victorian space England.
  6. you're just not living in the future like the rest of Japan
  7. not having enough money is part of the problem with wanting everything.
  8. HGAC G-Unit kits! I hope this leads to a Griepe, Hydra and Aesculapius in the future. https://www.gundamkitscollection.com/2019/12/p-bandai-hgac-1144-gundam-geminass-01.html
  9. I have zero, I have snow white on preorder, and yet I still kind of want this. I think I might have a problem.
  10. Somehow this is still less weird than the the horse racing EVA.
  11. Looks cool, a full metal build would have been more interesting though.
  12. Squadron 42 is just the single player story mode from Star Citizen spun off into it's own game because why not.
  13. you don't have to be anything. It would be nice if you didn't have to constantly trash things other people enjoy until they feel like crap for ever having dared to like it. but who am I to talk, I'm just an idiot who likes garbage, right?
  14. Which thing are you talking about?
  15. The metal structure Nu is a tamashii nation's project and wouldn't have any effect on or involvement from bandai hobby. The two divisions don't share any design or production staff.
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