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Everything posted by anime52k8

  1. Native has a couple bunny girls up for order 1/6 scale Christmas Bunny; 19,800JPY https://native-store.net/en/CATEGORY-ROOT/Creators-Collection/Christmas-Bunny/p/NA_CR_WD00076 1/4 scale White Bunny; 26,400JPY https://native-store.net/en/CATEGORY-ROOT/Creators-Collection/Yukino/p/NA_CR_WD00077 The white bunny is quite cute and really big, but I think I'm more interested in the Christmas bunny.
  2. that's lame. Not like everything's gonna get reposed to all the usual blogs instantly anyways. I'm just hoping they're gonna have stuff from more than one series per toy line.
  3. snap kit. It doesn't require paint but it will benefit from it.
  4. Unit-01 is personal preference but the heads on the girls are just terrible. Rei face isn't terrible but her hair looks like a bad wig floating off her head. It doesn't frame her face right and gives here head a weird shape. Poor Asuka though looks so bad. Her right eye is totally on the wonk which makes that side of her face look droopy and floating hair coupled with the too tall face makes it look like she's got a massive forehead hiding under her bangs. Then there's the bigger issue of neither of them looking anything like characters they're meant to represent.
  5. Mmmm; that sweet, earthy aroma of toluene and cigarette smoke that lets you know you're handling a quality bootleg.
  6. That thing is legit gonna haunt my nightmares.
  7. So, should I cancel my preorder? Mines for the march batch but that's pretty worrying.
  8. New Figure of the OG best girl and original waifu she looks really good with Mama
  9. so yeah. I love her, but now I want more. Also, extra-THICC Sonico is in the mail. Second Child, Best Girl by Michael Ringot, on Flickr
  10. I think it means they're both captain of the SDF-1/3. Presumably Max is captain Tuesday through Thursday, then Lisa has the ship from Friday to Sunday with alternating Mondays.
  11. I find it kind of fascinating how their Robotech statues specifically look lower quality than everything else they do. Like, that EVA statue to the left is just ugly by design but it's executed well. By comparison the sculpt and paint on the VF-1s look amateurish.
  12. This is why a live action EVA is a bad idea. BTW, not to turn this into a prime 1 thread, but I've been wanting to complain about for a while: what is up with these face sculpts? How do you get everything else on a figure so right and then botch the faces this bad? Why you gotta do my girl dirty like this prime 1, why?
  13. ~$275 for a blu-ray I'm never going to watch? No thank you. Nice of them to include a free figure though.
  14. Come to the dark side; venture down the smutty rabbit hole. I like that Purple heart but prices on it are just too much for the official and I just can't get behind bootlegs.
  15. The last 3 have all been excellent and the original is a classic. 2 and 3 both kind of suck though with 3 being by far the worst. 2 would probably be decent if it wasn't so stereotypically John Woo, 3 is just a shitshow.
  16. BTW, I found the show on youtube. Man is it tedious and boring.
  17. I'm not sure if I vaguely recall this show or if I'm just thinking I recall this show while actually remembering bits from other shows. anyways, does anyone else find the way the hands look like human hands in gloves kind of off-putting?
  18. I'm kind of glad I've got until march to pay for this one.
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