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a song of the milky way

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Everything posted by a song of the milky way

  1. 世界中ã®ãƒžã‚¯ãƒ­ã‚¹ãƒ•ã‚¡ãƒ³ã«æ˜¯éžé ¼ã¿ãŸã„事ãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™ãŒã€åƒ•ã¯è„šæœ¬ä½œæˆã®ãŒè¶£å‘³ãªã®ã§ã€ã‚¤ãƒ©ã‚¹ãƒˆãŒãœã‚“ãœã‚“下手ãªã®ã§ãœã²èª°ã‹åŠ©ã‘ã¦ãれる方ã„ã¾ã›ã‚“ã‹ã€‚
  2. Macross site Off ??
  3. How about doing the social networking site in Japan happily with everybody, the MACROSS fan who is present in Japan, and seeing it, since the name and mail address are transmitted to a contractor and I have mail of admission procedure transmitted, when your name and mail address can surely be sent to my mail, since it is a friend invitation system? 日本のソーシャル・ネットワーキングサイトは友達招待制なので、ぜひあなたの名前とメールアドレスを私のメールに送っていただけたら、その名前とメールアドレスを業者に送信して入会手続きのメールを送信してもらうので、日本にいるマクロスファンの皆と楽しくやって見てはいかがでしょう。 mailaddress knightsky@khaki.plala.or.jp
  4. [mixi] マクロス7復活署名の家 http://mixi.jp/view_community.pl?id=1518503 mail:knightsky@khaki.plala.or.jp この掲示板だけでは参加者が募れないので、日本のソーシャル・ネットワーキングサイトに入っています。
  5. Although the MACROSS series becomes the 25th anniversary, exchange also wants to open a site on a grand scale previously with the MACROSS fan in the world. Then, it hits establishing and a member is under collection. Since the illustration of original MACROSS, the sound MID of the MACROSS series, etc. is used for creation of a site, please lend power by all means for everybody's site. Since it lives in Japan now, please contact me by e- mail. In addition, I work on a sequel signature of Macross 7 now in sites establishing. You had better have a character just resembles it, and first Lynn Minmay revives and compete with Bassara before because you do not change with OVA dynamite 7 with a work of Macross 7. And the 25th anniversary work is not newly better for a work name either. After all should be glad of one having Mr. Tetsu Amino low of supervision do it same as a previous work. But if it is possible for a site in a signature to have the production staff of Macross look wanting to be active by all means first, please write in at an online signature corner by all means. Organization site representative :plala7 If there are those to send works, such as a question and an illustration, by e-mail, send from here by all means. mail:knightsky@khaki.plala.or.jp
  6. Zinjo is a concert of Iijima so, and I write that there was not the song, but please say Macross song after watching contents of such a thing concert. Mari Iijima Live in Tokyo 2006 1 Broken Computer 2 Anticipation -talk- 3 ã²ã¨ã‚Šã¼ã£ã¡ãŒå¥½ã 3 I like solitude 4 ガラスã®ã“ã³ã‚“ 4 Of glass do not flatter it -talk- 5 今㯠5 Now 6 セシールã®é›¨å‚˜ 6 An umbrella of Cecile -talk- 7 December -talk- 8 ç§ã®å½¼ã¯ãƒ‘イロット 8 My boyfriend is a pilot 9 æ„›ãŠã¼ãˆã¦ã„ã¾ã™ã‹ 9 remember love? 10 Blueberry Jam -talk- 11 Oh, England, My Lionheart 12 åå‰ã®ãªã„アベニュー(1日目) 瞳ã¯ã‚¨ãƒ³ã‚¸ã‚§ãƒ«ï¼ˆï¼’日目) 12 Avenue (the first day) eyes without a name are angels(The second day)13 Fly Back To The U.K. -talk- 14 The Most Beautiful Thing -talk- 15 Forbidden Rain アンコール An encore 16 I Love Youã¯è¨€ãˆãªã„(1日目) ガラスã®ãƒ€ãƒ¼ãƒªãƒ³ï¼ˆï¼’日目) 16 Darling of the glass that I cannot say I Love You (the first day)(The second day) セカンド アンコール The second encore 17 The Power Of Your Love
  7. Is AlphaHX cheerful? Part of Lynn Minmay Mari Iijima who did it might know what music activity did in U.S.A. in super space-time fortress Macross which I studied on old days, but a report of the concert that Japanese, was performed on July 9, 2006 was a bulletin in last month, and a special feature appeared. The music that I sang at the time of American tour seems to become the cause. Of course music of American translation super space-time fortress Macross was shown, too. I supported all Mari Iijima. The ・ ... stuff is (^ v ^). in the concert that I performed A collection of of a fan appeared in the last page of the bulletin than it, but a participation application final day passes, but a party between fans in Togari hot spring of Nagano seems to be performed contents on October 28. I arrived, too, and applied immediately,; but in the fan of a fan of Lynn Minmay one is, too; because want to watch it, will examine early by all means? I may get a contact with Mari Iijima if lucky in this meeting. I ask by all means.
  8. 今年ã¯ãƒžã‚¯ãƒ­ã‚¹ï¼’5周年 最新作ã¯ãªã‚“ãªã®ã§ã—ょã†ï¼Ÿ
  9. It is so favorite that MACROSS is foolish, and I want the directions which were alike also to this organization site to gather. Therefore, this talk surely rides. Although illustration cost is in the state which cannot be taken out with the homepage administrative expenses of an organization site, only my requital of a favor as hard as possible boiled, and it carries out it. I want the illustration variously mixed from the founder to zero in the MACROSS series to create. Individual organization site representation: Plala 7 knightsky@khaki.plala.or.jp
  10. There are no preparations that I use the illustration of others' site freely. Since it may be criticized that that of this site is used when the direction of the site of the other place sees to it, I want the original illustration of only my organization site. It is better to make noise with the fan in the world in the 25th anniversary of the MACROSS series. Therefore, would you lend power? I have also touched the meeting in the same bulletin board. An original site of the 25th anniversary Macross series If it can do, I will want to contact by E-mail etc. knightsky@khaki.plala.or.jp
  11. Mr. AlphaHX was looked for. Although he wants to put the illustration of MACROSS which you draw on the fan site which celebrates the 25th anniversary of MACROSS next year since the art sense is too wonderful, how is surely it?
  12.                    Will you read this AlphaHX note of Macross Wallpapers?
  13. Please do not ride eroticism thing here. Please do not make Macross for a malicious article,
  14. Nice to meet you! All of who contributes it Macross Wallpapers. I am the thing which it contributes to same Fan Works about a site, but it is the work which an illustration of AlphaHX may kill. It is I Japanese, but I make a site to enjoy with whole world because the next year becomes the 25th anniversary Macross series, but an original illustration does not hit, but I buy an arm of AlphaHX and am whether it is an illustration by all means? Because I register your name on a homepage if I write it, I do not abuse it. You may make images of a homepage partly if you like. Do not take care of even other people; will help it? I print it in a message board of Japanese cartoon film magazine "Ani media" September, 2006 issue. In addition, I contributed it to a message board in "Newtype " of October in detail. In a message board of "Ani media" September, 2006 issue "lend power" Fan Works An original site of the 25th anniversary Macross series Macross 25th World fan Site
  15. I am useless after worry! In a personal site of Japanese Macross, there is much one decorating with an original illustration. There is not one counterfeiting. Because I do it as portal site as the open space that everybody supports even if I do not make it to look forcibly, the which an illustration does not resemble too much is interesting. A sample of other Macross site
  16. ( ; _ ; ) No, I write it in the first step, but look for to be able to write an original illustration because I each bring it with all and want to make a homepage when the 25th anniversary Macross series site makes it. Because that a picture / music copyright method matches in Japan and names an illustration and music it without permission is forbidden, thus I ask for the illustrations which personal wrote it because it is it in the law outside. If there is the person whom I write it and send, I register myself as a member of a site. I can never grieve in all.
  17. 皆さんには内緒ですがマクロス25周年なのでオリジナルシナリオの作品の断片を見せてあげます。 これまでのあらすじ移民船団メガロード01 がなぞの敵に破壊されていたが、以前から一条輝隊長督スターJJ所属の最年少で少佐に昇格した、 鈴木飛鳥に早瀬艦長からミンメイが一条と分かれた影響で沈んでいるので、見合いでもと誘ってあげていた時、彼もじつはロックが好きなので、 彼もミンメイさんを喜ぶ歌を歌ってあげた所、感動してくれて好印象で付き合ってくれたのだ。それから数ヶ月ご移民船団メガロード01内は窮屈なので、 内緒でテストバリキリーに乗ってデートしていたそのおかげで助かったのだが実話一条と早瀬からミンメイ人形を渡されていたのだが、 ほかにも脱出されている方100万人ぐらい助かったのだが、救難艇で近くの惑星で待つ、いつまで待っても来ない 使い捨てのこまだとわかり、 この惑星で暮らすことお決めるのだが、どんな惑星か捜索していたら、プロトカルチャーの超融級の移民艦の遺跡集合体が見つかる。 遺跡にあった奥に巨大な三角石柱がありその中にミンメイが入った時、ミンメイが気持ちが落ち着いたのか、歌いだしたすると、 石柱が光だし上から人が舞い下りてきたのだ、人工知能の立体映像であったその中でプロトカルチャーの生い立ちと戦争までのこと  もう一つのプロトカルチャーの事を言っていた、そして最後に地球に逃げた仲間のこと気にする発言があり、もしプロトカルチャーが 戻って来るのなら言ってくれと言って消えた。それを聞いたミンメイたちはこの戦艦で暮らすことにした。でもボロボロなので、 修理が必要なであっちこっちから集めてきて、5年後完成する。 船団ブラスト号 タガメ型長距離船団 マクロス7の4倍館内わ工場エリア・首都エリア・自然農場リゾートエリアがある。首都エリア(古代図書館・ミュージックドーム ミンリー・市官)工場エリア(自然農場リゾートエリアから来る排泄物や廃棄物などをエコエネルギーにするのと、船内の空気お循環する エピリー・軍事用工場・民間用工場)自然農場リゾートエリアがあります。ミンメの現在53歳シティーの市長で時々国民の前で歌うことがある。ついでにミンメイバリキリーもあるどうですか。 こんな感じですが皆さんどう思いますか。 誰かイラスト描いていただくかいません。
  18. Does not everybody have a favorite original illustration in the Macross series? I do not hit on I illustration. I become the 25th anniversary Macross series unless a site is completed early.
  20. 日系人の方がいるので、日本語版かいてみました。 マクロスシリーズが25周年になりますが、世界中のマクロスファンと交流もかねて盛大にサイトを開きたと思っています。 それで開設するにあたりメンバーを募集中。オリジナルマクロスのイラストかマクロスシリーズのサウンドMIDなどを サイトの作成に使いますので、皆のサイトのためにぜひ力貸してください。現在日本で住んでいるので、メールでご連絡してください。 またこの開設するサイトの中でマクロス7の続編署名活動をやります。以前マクロス7の作品ではOVAダイナマイト7と 変わらないので、キャラクターはそのままに初代のリンミンメイが復活して、作品名を変えた25周年の作品の方が 好いのではないのでは。前作と同様にアミノテツロー監督にやっていただく方が皆さんも嬉しいはずですよね。 でもその前にマクロスの制作スタッフに見ていただくための署名活動を行いたいので、 ぜひサイトができたらオンライン署名コーナーに書き込みお願いします。 団体サイト代表者・管理人 :ぷらら7   質問や作品がメールで送りたい方がいればぜひここから送って。 mail:knightsky@khaki.plala.or.jp[/ ***************************************************************************************** 香川県出身 I am from Kagawa キャラクターデザイン:美樹本氏の会員 A character design: A member of this Mr. Miki 飯島真理ファンクラブの会員 A member of a Mari Iijima fan club
  21. ãã†ã§ã™æ—¥æœ¬äººã§ã™ãŒã€æ˜ 画「UDONã€ãƒ­ã‚±åœ°è¿‘ãã®ã‚‚ã®ã§ã™ãŒã€‚ 日本語ã®ã»ã†ãŒã„ã„ã§ã™ã€‚ サイトã®ã‚¢ãƒ‰ãƒ¬ã‚¹ã¯æº–備中ãªã®ã§ã‚¢ãƒ‰ãƒ¬ã‚¹ã ã‘載ã›ã¦ã„ã¾ã™ã€‚ http://www17.plala.or.jp/m25th-fan/
  22. The Macross series becomes the 25th anniversary, but I serve as Macross fans and interchange in the world, and open thinks a site to have come grandly. Thus it is recruiting members on establishing it. Because I use sound MID of illustration of original Macross or the Macross series for making of a site, please lend power by all means for a site of all. Because I live now in Japan, please contact it by an email. In addition, I work on a sequel signature of Macross 7 in these sites to establish. In the 25th anniversary work which a character just resembles it, and first Lynn Minmay revives and changed a work name into not being better because I do not change with OVA dynamite 7 with a work of Macross 7 before. All of you should be glad of one having director Tetsu Amino low do it same as a previous work. But if it is possible for a site in a signature to have the production staff of Macross look wanting to be active by all means first, please write in it at an online signature corner. A group site representative / a manager : plala 7 If there is the person whom a question and a work want to send by an email, I send it by all means from here and. mail:knightsky@khaki.plala.or.jp
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