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Everything posted by Mechafan

  1. WOW! A Gekken Shadow custom.
  2. I would not get either. First I would need a Region 1 version of DYRL and that is not going to happen. Mac + looks great in DVD for me. No HD TV at present but hope to have one by end of year. I am going to wait out the format war. They already have the successors to HD/Bluray in the works. Holographic media is in the works. Holographic DVD to Hold 1.6 Terabytes Also more expansion to the regular DVD may be comming. DVD to possible hold up to 50TB in future.
  3. Fighter: Banpresto Dyrl series one. The legs and arms would not stay together any kind of way. Series TV two, Super three, & Strike four much better. Gerwalks: Converters/Macres Bootlegs Battroid: K&M transforming one. Yuck. Most of mine are still in the plastic bags and will stay that way forever.
  4. I want it because green is my color. Now just need to get some S heads.
  5. Nice review. After taking some apart I did notice on the super and strike versions they changed the way the hip bars connect behind the canopy. The first series before the TV ones were really lose. But it is nice to have a DYRL Max to make a VF-1S the easy way.
  6. The nose gear does have two tires. The VF-1J is due out around around Friday 29 September.
  7. I would have to say after looking at the pics the 1/48 for all modes. I do have at least one of each type to compare with as well.
  8. Mechafan

    M+ Valks

    The YF-21 All the way for me. Then the VF-11B.
  9. The same piece on mines broke also while I had it a Battloid mode pose.
  10. I would say smaller boxes. The Super Stealth, VE-1 and VT-1 boxes were way too big. More tampo printing. Make VF-2SS Valkyrie II SAP, VF-1MS Metal Siren and SDF-1 (TV and Movie versions).
  11. The one I have is 0544 of 1000. I do have another one on the way that is in the 180 something range. I hope the fastpacks retail around $4.99 also. A GBP armor would be nice as well. The shoulders are thick and the legs are thin.
  12. Now that I have it in fighter mode the backpack is a floppy mess. I thought the first 1/60 was bad doing a barrel roll. Hopefully with the fastpacks that will not be an issue for me. Since there were not a lot of stickers I went on and sticked this one up. The only ones I did not like were the skulls on the tail fins. The exclusives will be full price but the rest will be below MSRP. The stand is nicer than what I first thought. Once again they should spend more time on the figure and not the box. For under $20 these would be great. I still like my Banprestos after getting one of these. Because for $15.00 or less I can have a nice valk with fastpacks.
  13. I am not good with reviews but here are some pictures. I display my valks mostly with armor and missiles so I was too lazy to take everything off. Sorry about that. Picture 1: Yamato 1/48 and Yamato 1/60 Pic 1 Picture 2: Bandai 1/55 and toynami 1/55 Pic 2 Picture 3: Bandai 3rd Misson, Banpresto Perfect Transformation, and Toynami Super Poseable Pic 3 Picture 4: Banpresto Perfect Transformation close up Pic 4
  14. I voted for Battroid Mode. Fighter will always look nice but the Battriod mode has to be balance not to look ugly. It has to be able to stand well and support the wieght of it's fastpacks. Gerwalk mode I could care less about.
  15. I just got my VF-1J Stealth and love it. I would say go with that more because it might become more rare later. Since the VF-0A is comming late in the year you could always make it a first purchase for 2007.
  16. Yes we have that good life. I can now get the Valks I always wanted. The big thing now is running out of space. I am glad it is gear more the adult fans in like Hasbro's approch. Hats off to Yamato for getting the ball rolling again and making the best Valks.
  17. I know SILVERDRAGON was. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...17536&hl=recast
  18. Mechafan

    My Collection

    Tri-nuke clusters on the 1/60 wings! I am going to have to try that one.
  19. That is how I got some of my Robotech stuff. Mospeada poseable for $2.50 from Gamestop. Robotech I-Men for $1.50 a piece at Suncoast.
  20. Mechafan

    My Collection

    Nice panel lining on your valks.
  21. I say Walmart, Target and Toys R Us.
  22. High Complete Model Some history http://www.toyboxdx.com/set-data.html
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