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Everything posted by Mechafan

  1. I would get a VF-2SS or a Metal Siren. I have some model kits for the VF-2SS and would love to have a figure.
  2. They are decent toys. I would recommend them. I have most of them. Having the 2 seaters is nice. It is the most complete line so far.
  3. I'll be skipping MGS4 also. I have lost interest in the series.
  4. Mechafan

    Help Me Choose

    Your choices are limited here. Either you find a Bandai 1/100 model kit or you get the 1/60 Yamato version. I have both. The 1/60 does come with 2 regular pilots. Here is Graham's review. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/toys/vf-1d/_vf1d.htm
  5. Mechafan

    Help Me Choose

    I agree, get as many Vf-1's as you like. I have like 13 1/48 Vf-1's. Not to mention the other scales.
  6. Mechafan

    Help Me Choose

    I lean toward the VF-1S Hikaru and VF-1A Max. I ended up putting a S head on my Hikaru A later on.
  7. For the size and price I would recommend them. Only the limited edition cost me MSRP or more the rest I got at less than MSRP. I have 11 so far.
  8. I like that one better too. Also I like the VF-19S over the YF-19.
  9. Besides the floppy legs, I like them. I have them all. All my VF-1's have Appendix's and my Alpha's are waiting for Beta's. Come on Toynami bring them on!
  10. I am glad the patch is coming. The VGA fix was what I was waiting on. Time to try some more multiplayer.
  11. Rdenham I have that same cabinet. My wife got it for me. I did take the front glass off. I got tired of reaching around the sides.
  12. 1/48 VF-1S Roy
  13. I would get a VF-1S Hikaru or Roy with fastpacks. I have the VF-0A and VF-0S and still like the VF-1 better.
  14. The choice is Gamlin for me. I liked him much better for her.
  15. I voted for the VF-1. The Stealth did it for me. Still waiting for Yamato to make the YF-21 in 1/60 scale.
  16. That is some nice Gundam Wing Endless Walz figures. Hey Heavy Arms needs to be in the front.
  17. I have no problem hosting. I have my Dom achievements. I have 3 out of 5 on insane. I have too many games to finish so the 10,000 kill one I will have to pass on.
  18. That is a very nice collection. I need to find time for updated photos.
  19. Mechafan

    VF-0A poll

    I would get Shin's version if you have none. I have the normal VF-0A and wish I had waited.
  20. Any more customs in the works?
  21. That is why the rest I have coming will stay in the box. No fast packs and these will get sold off. Toynami is really pissing me off now!
  22. Series 3 is a mystery, if they come out at all. They did cancel some of the Macross Super poseables line. Poor Ben.
  23. Those fastpacks better come out! That is the only reason I got these valks.
  24. I trimmed down that center nub and the fighter mode is a lot better. Thanks for the idea.
  25. PlayStation 3 Lacks Upscaler to 1080i Reports are flooding in that PlayStation 3 is unable to upscale its video output, leaving many with older HDTV's, including those from Sony, out in the cold of standard definition. Early word came in from the NeoGAF forums, where users with 1080i TV sets tried to run Resistance: Fall of Man, only to find that the game would force a switch down to 480p. The reason behind this is that Resistance runs at a native 720p resolution. If the game is played on a television that does not support 720p, which applies to many older HDTV models, then instead of upscaling to 1080i to retain its HD status, it downscales to 480p, losing much graphical fidelity.
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