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Everything posted by Mechafan

  1. I am sticking with air cooling. I got it to run at 3003Mhz on air cooling. I stop there. I did not want to push it too far yet. [attachmentid=40824]
  2. Thanks for the pictures Graham! So the 1/60 QF-2200D-A Ghost does come with the missile pods for the VF-0? If so than this one will be on preorder for me soon.
  3. Processor came today. Just installed it and and it is sweet. I am going to wait a little bit before I overclock this. I want to let the thermal paste set in good. AMD FX is even easier than the regular Athlon 64s. The FX has a unlocked multiplier.
  4. I would say average load for now. I can not remember the last time I took the temp after a marathon session. Plus I put the GPU fan to the max and the Power supply has a nice air flow system to help keep the case cool. CPU AMD Althon 64 3200 OC to 2.6 Ghz and GPU Nvidia 6800 GT OC to 435/1200. I just ordered a AMD FX60 so it going to get hotter soon. I got a Ultra Fire Socket 939 Copper Heatpipe CPU Cooling Fan to cool that. It is two fans with a large heat pipe.
  5. That is so true. You only get the max at the right temperature which most PCs will not achieve because people want quite PCs and not noisy ones with many fans or artic cooling. I have 6 case fans and stay around 26 C. This is good for getting a lot out of your power supply. That why I bought a PC Power and Cooling 510 Deluxe Power supply awhile back. Information: http://www.pcpower.com/pdf/Turbo-Cool_510_vs.pdf
  6. I kinda like Ultra Magnus better too. I just switched the guns. Now I have Prime, Starscream, Magnus, Skywarp, Ramjet and 4 Jetfires. I going to do some mod work on some of the Jetfires.
  7. Congrats! I went to cable internet in 98 and never looked back. I have 3 PCs hooked up with a slot for a 4th when I do PC repair, a Xbox and Xbox 360 on the router. Dialup could never handle all of that need.
  8. Yes it should work fine. I have 2.5 GB in my system. Channel one 2 x 1GB and 2 x 256 in the other channel. I have black and blue slots also.
  9. I would just wait for the Dx10 card. It should be a Geforce 8600 which replaces the geforce 7600. They should be less than $200 from what I have been reading. That should last you awhile. I have a ASUS Geforce 6800 GT now when overclocked still has life in it. Plus it has shader model 3 for the Splinter Cells. DX10 cards run DX9 games very well and you'll be ready for Vista gaming if you go that route later. My motherboard is ASUS as well.
  10. I was thinking the same thing. I am still on a Agp motherboard and Nivdia just anounced DX10 Agp video card coming this year. Hopefully Ati will follow suit. I allready have a 600 watt PSU, so I safe on that. I just order an AMD FX60 to max out my 939 socket board. After the new graphics card, I should not have to buy a new system for maybe another 2 years.
  11. I have that one and like it. For they price is not a bad deal and they are very poseable.
  12. Crackdown is fun. I can not stop playing it. I am mostly maxed out. Driving is at a 3 now. I did the Agency Tower too. I have all the guns stored.
  13. With my dual channel setup I have 4 sticks from the some company. They all have the same cas lantency which is important also. Two 1 GB in one channel and two 256 MB and the second channel.
  14. I see that. As long as the toys get better I am fine.
  15. Very true. I am totally into this game. Did Co-op last night and before you know it, it was 4:30 am.
  16. I should be home from work by then.
  17. They can do the other stuff next year. I just want my armor for now. It looked very nice.
  18. That makes me mad. I wanted my Super/Strike armor this year.
  19. Thanks for the invite I had fun. It was great playing again. My Crackdown is on the way. Amazon.com has already shipped it. I should have it very soon. This is going to take up a lot of my time.
  20. I hate them too. I wished everyone would do it Yamato's way.
  21. Mines has been working pretty good. I have had it for over 8 months.
  22. I never really cared for the Armo-Diver mode. Not as nice as the VF-1's Gardian mode.
  23. I have used PowerDVD, Nero Show time, Media Player Classic, Media Player 11 and Sonic DVD Player.
  24. I am running the Vista RC2 build and will wait till that runs out. I am not happy that my favorite firewall program does not work. Other than that is runs smooth on my system. It was nice to try out media center with my Xbox 360 since I did not have the XP version. It a memory hog. I have 2.5 GB of RAM in my system now and it runs better than when I only had 1 GB. It is really no rush to get it. But you know when I do get it I am getting the Ultimate Edition.
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