1/60 VF-1D, cotpit, wing hard point.
1/60 VF-1J Miriya, tip off of missile that goes in wing hard point.
1/48 VF-1A Hikaru, front landing gear.
1/72 YF-21 FP ED, side landing gear and head laser.
Now those look nice, thanks for the picures Graham. I am glad they decided to make these transformable. I was disappointed about the EX-S Series ones. Must add these to my to get list.
I remember this show. I show most of the ones that aired in US. (run was cut short ) I did manange to see the last episode to see how it ended though. I need to get DVD's to see the whole series.
It is the small 1/55 triple change. I did not like it that much. I like the 1/35 scale ones better. I have those and the 1/55 2-mode ones and the 1/72 scale ones (these really suck).
See link for size comparisons. Valkyrie Factory/ George Samson's Legioss Collection.
Adding Fastpack pictures. I like the fastpacks on the MPC's it corrects some of the floppy leg flaws the some may have had.
All pictures can be found here LINK. Posting a few here.
I say give in to that impulse. I have 2 YF-21 FP editions and I love them. After you mess with it for awhile the legs do not bother you. I can get mines to stand fine. Fighter mode is just fearsome now. You see that comming and you know it is lights out for you.
I also have the old YF-21 and have added 2 VF-11B FP editions. I recommend those too.