The move was crappy. Yep Beachhead they totaly ruined. The animation was jerky. There was a series lack of Cobra vehicles. I only counted two in the movie. Normally Cobra has all kinds of suff. The Storm Shawdow and Snake Eyes fight scenes were the best part. I am glad I did not buy this one. The could have done a better job with Zartan.
No offense taken, I thought the same thing untill I saw Macross 7. You would have to see Macross 7 to see why they needed them. Do not want to spoil yet for those who have not seen it.
That is Sliverbot one of the Airial Bots. He was the leader and formed the body. Shucks with the Airial Bot bootlegs you can get the whole set for less than $10.
Power out at the house and maybe up to 6 days to get it back. I have a tree branch to cut up that fell. I did ok. I seen some that had worse. Whole trees falling into thier homes and flooding.