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Everything posted by Mechafan

  1. Second one much better.
  2. I hope you make out well and get get her into a program so y'all can be one again.
  3. Excellent work. That brings back memories.
  4. I do not mind not having loose missiles. Less to lose later. I hope they can make whatever they do very detailed for $80.
  5. own 3 and want way more I have 3 1/35's, 3 1/72's and 4 1/55 (2 mode). I still want more too.
  6. Have not been booted yet. Now I just found how they treat the retailers with price fixing, they are asking for it. <_
  7. I have the box set. I like the show. Like it was said before it starts off slow then picks up fast. The story line was unique to me. The mecha were animated very nicely. I would recomend this one. The mecha were more realistic moving and were a good size. Nothing gigantic, perfect for urban combat.
  8. That is a great site, thanks.
  9. Mechafan

    eBay Scam alert

    i posed a link to one tha tlooks exaclty like his. ali I know but this one has the 1/55 standing with the bootleg if you scroll down. You can see the horrible difference.
  10. Mechafan

    eBay Scam alert

    Hum? It does not even look like a Joons. That looks like that cheep $5 bootleg that many sell on Ebay. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...7&category=4696
  11. I feel the same way. So far this is the best looking one to me and that is not saying much.
  12. i wonder how much he's gonna lose in seller fee's, buying it himself hahahaha. I do not believe this, someone paid $150 for it, a MPC. The retail is only $80. Most ebay auctions have it for less than $50.
  13. The price an finding one if good condition. I had one I had to replace both knees($150) and one I had to fix a broken shoulder($200). I hope to get two MPC Alpha's for the price of one Gakken.
  14. GA-15 40mm REF GAUSS RIFLE I am over the size issue as long as it connects to a Beta later. My thing is that with the quality will it be worth $80. I have the large 1/35 Gakkens, I hope the MPC are better than those. I going to wait and see how they turn out. I am also looking for a good spot for those bookmarks too.
  15. They both look nice.
  16. I like Robotech but Macross has produced animation sequels over the years as well as many products.(Macross TV, Macross DYRL (Do You Remember Love), Macross Flashback 2012, Macross Plus, Macross II, Macross 7, Macross 7 Encore, Macross 7 The Movie, Macross 7 Dynamite and Macross 0. ) Robotech no animation sequels and few prodducts. Macross many video games. Robotech one. Yamoto's selling like hot cakes and MPC's at less than half price stay on shelves. I got my I-Men at 75% off because they sat forever in the store and they wanted to get rid of them to make space. HG was not doing anything till Yamato wanted to sell the Macross Plus valks in the US. Then we got the MPC which was a Bandai HCM rip off. Let's see if HG can come up with original ideas. Even though I like Robotech but Macross is forever.
  17. My Metallic Shadow Poseable came this morning and I love it. It is the best one so far. Even the hands have weathering on them. The gun is dark black with a silver tip. A lot of work and thought went into this one. The Blue and the Shadow are the only ones I have with different hands than the normal paint ones. Now I have the Blue, Green, Red and Shadow with the clear one to go. But that not shipping till Jan 24 2004.
  18. Yep it had a brief 5 seconds in one episode. It was shooting at the enemy then got blown up.
  19. Now that is a great gundam.
  20. 8 Bandai's and 2 Jetfires.
  21. I agree with that it is a matter of choice. I have more Yamato's with problems than I do MPC's I would recommend them if you can get one for less than $50. Here is a good review here. http://www.deepfire.net/~robots/masterforc.../4.0/rot20.html
  22. Now that is funny and could be close to being true. Do not forget they are reusing the morpher molds too for December also. Another MPC would have been nice if it were a VF-1A Max. I guess Jack going to have to do for now. Thier only original head sculpt.
  23. Uhhh..yeah! You must like Harmony Gold and don't give a crap about their history with Robotech fans. If ENRON were to come back, you would probably buy stocks with them right? Enron no but MCI yes. HG has pissed off a lot of people even me to a point. Well with the Macross saga out the way mostly, HG has the licence for Southern Cross and Mospeada toys so you are stuck with HG regardless even if you do not like the VF-1 MPC's or HG. Maybe another company can produce them other than Toynami. JawJaw thanks for the reminder, I forgot the Rick did have the swing bar painted too. They should have painted them on all the MPC's for the price they asked for them.
  24. What if you like the MPC and you know about the rest then still bought an MPC, does that make them a sucker? I have more Yamato's at home with QC issues than I do MPC's. To me it just a luck of the draw. You buy what you like and that is it. People should not be called names for it. Nothing personal toward you. Many here feel that way. So please do not take it that way. I guess I like the darkness.
  25. I forgot about those because of the MPC Alpha mess. Yes I will be getting those too. Thanks.
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