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Everything posted by Mechafan

  1. I keep mines horizontally now. It still over heats but I get less disk scratching. Since I have the HD-DVD drive now, all my movies will be played from there so they do not ge scratched up.
  2. The first GRAW was fun and I still have it.
  3. Preorders are up at Twinmoons too. http://www.tmpanime.com/index.php?main_pag...roducts_id=2065
  4. The seller just thru in Macross and Robotech to get more views for thier auction. A lot of sellers do that even though what they are selling have nothing to do with those series.
  5. I have downloaded it and played thru it. Nice Demo.
  6. The 3 year extention only covers 3 red rings of light. It is still 1 year for everything else. My freezes sometimes while playing GRAW 2. I am tempted to the the Halo 3 ED. or Elite. Some of the newer 360's have been shipping with the new heat sinks.
  7. MS finally offically dropped the price. http://www.xbox.com/en-US/community/news/2...onsoleprice.htm HALO 3 ED. is going to be $399.99.
  8. I ordered online from Best Buy for $150 and picked up this morning before the price jumped back up. I am glad I did.
  9. TMP has the preorder up also. http://www.tmpanime.com/index.php?main_pag...roducts_id=2044
  10. I have played the Demo. It is the same hack and slash but with Gundam. I got to use Wing Zero which is one of my favorite Gundams.
  11. Nice collection qoo_ysl. I need to take pictures of my new stuff.
  12. I'll wait for the fastpack version. I have the others ones Yamato made so I am good for now.
  13. I ordered a set from Twinmoons for my Low Vis valk. He has great service.
  14. I think they should get the fastpacks out before the end of the year. I am sure the MPCs take more work to make. I can use a early Christmas gift from Toynami.
  15. Mechafan

    Best and worst 1/48

    Top of my list are Hikaru S, Roy S, Low Vis 1 and Stealth. Bottom Hikaru A, Angel Birds, Low Vis 2. The rest fall in the middle.
  16. Software giant admits there are 11.6 million faulty consoles, which it will have to fix.
  17. Of the four the Shadow was the best for me. The Lancer was the worst. I had to order replacement hands and the sholder plate broke. If the newers ones have better QC then I might have to sell my old ones.
  18. The 65 nm process will apply to all 360's.
  19. I did not get a chance to play that much either. With work and I went on vacation for 5 days. I guess now I can play more Shadowrun. It is not all that great but it being somthing different makes it worth playing for me. I got the PC version on sale at Circuit City for 37.99 with a free copy of Windows Flight Simulator X included.
  20. I still play BF2 now and then. Because of the issues with BF2142 I passed on this one.
  21. From what I have heard it it fake.
  22. I am down with that too. I also have the Crackdown Gett'n Busy Pack if someone wants to try before they buy.
  23. I played the Demo version. I am not sure if I will buy this one. I did play the DIRT demo and was impressed. I might get this before Forza 2. I have play the older version on the PC before. Animatrix is on XBL and episode 1 is a free download.
  24. I played it last night and had and had fun. I still have to get used to the new controls. With the voice chat my teammates and I had trouble hearing each other. Sometimes I could hear no one.
  25. I was disappointed too. ATI really messed up on the HD 2900 XT. It is slower than an GeForce 8800 GTS 640 MB and draws more power. So the GeForce 8800 GTX 768MB will still be king for awhile. Hopefully the mainsteam cards will fair better. I was looking forward to a card that has HDMI with audio on the card versus having to run a separate audio cable to the card for HDMI sound out.
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