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Everything posted by Mechafan

  1. I have the SOC EVA-01 and I think that enough for me. Like Graham Macross comes first them Gundam for me. The Fix figures are breaking me. I will Pass this to my friend who buys everything EVA. I mean everything EVA.
  2. I would say my 1/48 Roy with fastpacks then the rest of the 1/48's. Then it would be my Gundam Fix 0017a and 0017b. Then it would be Takara Transformers God Ginrai. Models would be 1/100 Macross VF-2SS then VF-19S.
  3. That is going to be very nice. I can not wait to get one.
  4. All the expensive stuff I have are in cuiro cabinets or in books shelves with closing doors on them. They might fall down but at least they will not hit the floor. You can even get a small one to put next to your desk. http://mywebpages.comcast.net/teckmanfs/pi...top%203%20o.jpg
  5. Married 6 years in Feburary and have daughter 19 months.
  6. Now that was sweet. Here are pics of a few of mine. Nine are still in the boxes. This first one has the Vf-1 Max. http://www.tmpforums.com/coppermine/displa...?album=39&pos=9 http://www.tmpforums.com/coppermine/displa...?album=39&pos=8
  7. It has been a great year Shawn and Graham. Thank you both very much. Have many more great years. Everyone have fun.
  8. I have been doing good with that lately. I pay all the bills and still get here things too. She does not know how much each piece costs and does not ask. She even got me a curio cabinet to display some of them. Like Myersjessee Also I rarely drink. A friend of hers says my wife is lucky because her husband spends thousands of dollars on race cars that just sit on the lawn and she would rather deal with the toys. She does not help add to my collection but just puts up with it because I still am a good husband and father like the rest of you here. If you keep them happy you will be happy.
  9. Yes they are on they way. Email or call him about it.
  10. Twinmoons and Valkyrie-Exchange are good places. I have had over 20 orders with Tamin at Twinmoons and never had a problem. Just click on the link in my sig. By the way they both are good friends.
  11. Nice stuff you found. I could take 101_0153.JPG off your hands.
  12. Mechafan

    Custom 1/48 CF

    Now that is an excellent custom job. I never thought a 1/48 cannon fodder could look so good.
  13. I love them. I have 27 total. It is the best cheap fastpack transforming valk I have seen in a while.
  14. WOW lucky you. No need to drill holes like I would have to. I do love the way the boosters look like. Now planning modifications. That what I was planning too. Hopefully the GBP armor can fit on the old non-fastpack valks too.
  15. I want to know too. How did you modify the backpack? Also I see triple nuke clusters too on the wings, what the trick?
  16. Mechafan

    TV style f-1s

    I tried it and the VF-1J does look good with the Strike Fastpacks. The Low Vis looks ok with the TV Fastpacks on.
  17. Yep that what it is. It is being sold with the VF-1J in a bundle and also separatly. This was on Big West's site. Check out this thread. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...t=ST&f=4&t=3345
  18. Mechafan

    Age Check! :)

    29 and be 30 in a few months. Still counting up the valks. Saw Robotech in 85 and found out about Macross in 1998 after getting internet. My wallet has be empty since.
  19. Can someone scan it and post it. Thanks in advance.
  20. I say get it. I have one and love it.
  21. Yes it is a problem even for me. So far there is only one good cure that I have seen but it could lead to other problems. Step 1 stop working(no money to buy valks) step 2 give up watching Macross(this gets rid of the temptation) step 3 give up anime magazines(this too helps get rid of the temptation) step 4 and the most painfull give up Macrossworld and other internet Macross sites.(doing this could have undesired effects, withdraw, agressive behavior, suicide.) I say with those in mind I would rather be a Valkoholic for life! Bring on the Yamato's. I even keep some at work. My boss knows I do more work with them on my desk.
  22. The Jetfire auction was upsurd. Over 1,200 for one ouch.
  23. I have seen those. They are bootleg Banpresto valks. For that price HLJ still has some strikes on sale. http://www.hlj.com/cgi-perl/hljpage.cgi?OTHBP-34 http://www.hlj.com/cgi-perl/hljpage.cgi?OTHBP-36 http://www.hlj.com/cgi-perl/hljpage.cgi?OTHBP-28
  24. This gives good reason not too. I say you got a good deal.
  25. I am like you I like the S heads the best too. That is why I have only one Low Vis. I was glad to have a valk that looks more like the F-14 Tomcat it was based off of.
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