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Everything posted by Mechafan

  1. Mechafan


    I have 27 of them 18 on display and 9 MIB. I mainly take to work and let others mess with them so they leave the expensive alone. I can get them to pose ok without nail polish. Most of them I paid less than $5 for so I feel I got my moneys worth.
  2. Yup should have know this was going to happen soon. Yamato wants us all to stay broke. I these are going to look sweet. I hope they post a picture soon.
  3. I knew they were bad but not that bad. I will stay away from these.
  4. Mechafan

    My dream..

    I spent about three hours to CAREFULLY drill the holes in the backpack. Other than that, nothing was done. Thanks, I was thinking about doing that to the one I have. Hopefully I can get the size right without messing it up.
  5. Mechafan

    My dream..

    Nice job. Did it take long to modify it?
  6. I say with strike cannon.
  7. Try these: http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/index.htm http://www.fantoysia.com/ http://www.gundamofficial.com/
  8. Ok all I got mines today, Yahoo! 1. Yes, there were smuges on the hip bar but very easy to wipe off. 2. Side head lasers bend a little inward but not as bad has the Roy MPC. 3. Hand and Fingers were pretty good. I have never had an issue with the hands before. Does still have limp wrist syndrone. 4. The pilot fiure for me was easier to put in this time. 5. Gun pod was easier to place in the arm in figther mode. 6. Were smuges here and there but good paint job overall. 7. Now for the legs. *Drum roll please.* The leg ratchets were tight. The right leg was as tight as the Max and Miriya MPC's the left was even tigher. I wished all my MPC's ratchets were as tight as the left leg on this one. In fighter mode the legs stay up very well.
  9. That seller is doing very well, opening bid was $0.01.
  10. Posse Comitatus, Thank you very much. I was wondering before I get mines.
  11. Welcome. The Hikaru S and J with fastpacks are excellent buys. You can not go wrong with either. Roy is nice too. http://www.tmpforums.com/coppermine/displa...cat=10058&pos=3
  12. Posse Comitatus, Are the legs ratches tight or loose on this one?
  13. If you have the money then it is the Hikaru 1/48 all they way.
  14. You did a real good job.
  15. Now those are great.
  16. I say that is an excellent job you have done.
  17. Nope, never. She wished she could get rid of the ones I already have.
  18. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...&category=36568 Look at the shipping on this one. 30-60 working days. But he wants his money now.
  19. Yes they are out. Kevin at http://www.valkyrie-exchange.com and Tam at http://www.tmpanime.com are shipping now.
  20. I think so. Alot of recent American released toys have been like that. The Armada Super Prime was a pain. All the tie wraps and some were taped down. Then you had the clear rubber bans in between parts. It was a mess.
  21. Yup I saw this a long time ago and I liked it.
  22. Yup I knew. Only toynami version was bigger. I love the picture. My first Bandai HCM is on the way. It is a VF-1S Hikaru. Soon I will be able to compare the two. I did like the fact that the HCM in battloid mode you can close the wings with the missles still on them. HCM PIC 1 HCM PIC 2
  23. I agree with that too CID because I do own some of each. Plus you have to look at price. For $10 to 20 gets Banpresto. For $50 to $100 gets Yamato 1/60, Bandai 1/55 or Toynami MPC. For $170+ gets the Yamato 1/48.
  24. Thats blasphamy sticking the toynami in front of the bandai! True, the Bandai is a better made Valk but the Toynami fastpacks have more detail. *Now goes in corner to repent* o:) :-"
  25. I would say in this order starting with the best. Yamato 1/48, Yamato 1/60, Toynami 1/55, Bandai 1/55, then Banpresto's Perfect Transformation.
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