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Everything posted by Mechafan

  1. I going to wait for a sale if possible. I have the 1/60 versions, the Bandai versions and some others sets of them too. I am in no rush. Want to move on to something else. Getting tired of the VF-1's. Plus shelf space is getting smaller. Have to same room for the Q-Rau.
  2. I have Eva-01 and it is about 7 inches. I would recommed them.
  3. I would have to agree. If you increase production of a limited edition you devalue it and piss off ones how did pay the higher price. Like the TRU Cannon fodder many paid over $ 100 USD or 105.433 JPY. Then they made a mass production CF and made the value of the TRU CF go down. I got a TRU CF for $55 shipped because of that. If it were limited to keep the value up doing a reissue would hurt their creditability again in my mind. For the collector limited edition means a lot in terms of what they buy and why they preserve for sale later 5 to 10 years from now. It makes you do what you can to get one because you know it going to be worth more later. Nothing worse to get something and because of reissues to have to sell it for ½ of what you paid for it down the road. As was stated before that the improved reissues of the improved VF-1S Roy and VF-1A Hikaru made many upset and they were not even limited additions. I had the old ones and felt shafted. I feel the pain too because I missed out on some things waiting to see if the price was going to drop. Sometimes you win sometimes you lose. If they do a reissue it would be great for those who missed out but would also be bad for their creditability when they make further comments in the future.
  4. You held one nice. Did you hold one in figher mode? Did you see how the gun pod attaches? Can it be attached on either side. Where does the fold up cyclone go?
  5. Not a bad idea. I check out other forums like TMP or play one of the Rainbow Six games while refreshing MW every 30 mins.
  6. That was my only issue too.
  7. I also bought 2 and happy with the ones I have. After practicing I am able to get them to stand fine.
  8. I agree the have no competion for this so they should take full advantage. Toynami making one ha ha never and Bandai to busy with Gundam to care. The only thing else is the Hasegawa model which does not transform.
  9. Now that is very nice.
  10. I am down with everything sofar but the cotpit too. I want a clear one. Maybe that was for picture enhancement like the prototype with matallic paint.
  11. I like this. WOW I hit one 321.1 feet. Edit getting better at this.
  12. That is so true. One day I found pieces of one of my valks under the bed and my sister-in-law said I forgot to tell you your daughter did that. The electric invisible fence is sounding good right now.
  13. Been there done that and lost. Now that is the best way. Have your own room then padlock and chain the door.
  14. I do have most if it behind glass now but none if it locks. Hopefully I can resolve that in the future. I glad the glass has been at least a small deterrent so far.
  15. Congraduations too you too. I would like topic on kid proofing your display cabinets too. I have a 19 month old girl. She already made my 1/48 VF-1J take a 3 foot drop twice.
  16. That was pretty nice. Alot of detail. The Obi-wan on the dash did it for me.
  17. I am with that. I do not mind swapping parts around. I am always in favor of cheeper valks.
  18. Congratulations on the new addition. I know they will have the proper Macross upbringing. I like the I deal of an affordable valk because the dollar is really sucking against the Yen right now. The 1/48 Max and Millia are going to cost me more the the J now because of that. The size is nice, was running low on space anyway.
  19. Agony!!?!? My wife said she would divorce me if I didn't turn the damn computer off!! And that's the edited version of what was said!! lol I just ordered a faster PC and my wife does no know it yet. Make sure you just spend more quality time with her. Like reposing you valks in her presence and when you shop online ask her were is the best place to put this valk. If all else falls then get the roses.
  20. Ok this wait is causing agony. But I am sure afterward my pocket will be hurting more than my heart.
  21. WOW! That one of the best custom job I have seen. It looks great from every angle.
  22. Mechafan

    Yamato 1/48 M&M

    I am with you on that one. I rather have the ones with FP anyway. That way I can display either way. I think the J was seperate because they might be releasing a 1/48 GBP armor later to go with it. Still wishfull thinking at this point. *got fingers cross*
  23. Mines would be the Takara MPC Prime, Gundam Fix 0013 Deep Striker, and Yamato VF-1S with Strike armor.
  24. Mechafan


    I hope there enough support.
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