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Everything posted by Mechafan

  1. The blue VF-1J does not look too bad. I did like Macross 7. Now If I can get some VF-22's and the Armored VF-11 it would be even better.
  2. I have the Takara Prime and I am glad I have it.
  3. Hayao Kakizaki gets the shaft again. If the really wanted to be cheep they could have done all with strike cannons VF-1S Roy, VF-1S Hikaru and VF-1S Max. Now they way the are going to do it now is not sparking my interest.
  4. If Toynami is smart they will make this a quality product and do lots of advertising to increase demand from old fans and to make new ones since the ADV video of the original series is out already. For me to keep cost down they can get rid of the fancy box and card it for all I care.
  5. Actually, the 1st issue YF-19 is worth more than the improved second issues, in part because the production run was lower. not true. where did you get that? As long as it's in the box, they go for the same price. out of box, the second edition sells for more. I do now know if the run was cut short but some of the retail stores on the net have the first one for alot more. http://www.tisinc99.com/macplusyftra1.html http://www.tisinc99.com/macplusyftra2.html http://www.epopy.com/macross/macross_index.html
  6. I have the HG 1/144 Meteor in preorder already. I enjoyed the 1/400 scale version. I had got two of those. Here is a better color pic of the 1/144
  7. I hope it turns out well. I have seen the Japanese version and will be watching this one closely. You have at least get the name of the main character correct. There is official English then your everyday English talk. Most of us use the latter.
  8. WOW! Maybe I need to sell mine. I hope they do not take it out of the box or they will be mad. I moded mine so maybe I could get more. I still think the first MPC Alpha will do well in sales unless it gets leaked out before hand that it is not worth it.
  9. Mechafan

    collector habits

    Well my plan is to start back up when the VF-1 is gone. I have too many VF-1's right now and want other valks to give my collection more variety.
  10. I know what you mean I have two Japanese ADMSIA. The Freedom and the Justice and they are crap. They can not even hold the gun right. I am looking forward to the new Freedom as well. Is the new Aile Strike Gundam frame alot better than the old ADMSIA frame?
  11. No completist here. I collect Macross and Gundam mostly. Even if I had the money I do not have enough space. Hum to be a completist I would need a bigger house. Hum a 100k plus home to hold 20k worth of stuff. That what it is all about.
  12. I have that one too and was not impressed with it. I know before I got it though. There are new verisons coming to Japan and USA. http://www.gundamofficial.com/products/act...index_seed.html
  13. Mechafan

    1/60 FAST packs

    Nope, you would have to make some modifications like drilling holes in the proper spots.
  14. a "set" off ebay... how long ago? I might have been the seller I knew I should have set the starting bid higher It was a Converters set MOC. It was the VF-1 in Skull colors, the Orgus and a SDF-1. I had some others when I was younger but no clue on what happened to them.
  15. Wicked Ace, I got my last set off of Ebay. You can normally get them real cheep. The auction I won I was the only bidder. Most know these are very cheep and will not try to jack up the price on you.
  16. That not bad at all. With Ben at $9.99 you can make some nice customs. Like a Max VF-1, and TV color CF.
  17. To add to Plus there were also Takatoku make some. I think they were the first. Then Macres and Converters borrowed the designs. Takatoku See Kenkei Types series. Converters
  18. www.Hlj.com is sold out now and Twin Moons only had the red one now. http://www.tmpanime.com/index.php?cPath=55 . I got both of mine from there. Here is one, this place has them both http://www.tisinc99.com/gufixfi.html Most of the other stores I have bookmarked are sold out of both. wolfx I have the Deep Striker and it is nice. I also have a Fix 0014 too but no pics. I am like Graham and favor the Sentinel ones. http://www.tmpforums.com/coppermine/thumbnails.php?album=75
  19. Not in any important order. 1. Bandai 1/144 HGUC Dendrobium (Still need one) 2. Yamato 1/48 + 1/60 3. Gundam Fix 0013 Deep striker, Fix 0011, Fix 0014 Ex-S Gundams 4. Bandai Super/Strike and Hasbro Jetfire 5. Bandai SOC EVA's 6. Gundam Seed HG 1/144 Meteor (Saw a preorder for it. Must have) 7. Gundam Seed 1/400 Meteor 8. Takara Masterpiece Convoy 9. Fix 0017a and Fix 0017b MSZ-006A1 Z Plus 10. Gundam Wing, Wing 0 (MISA ver 2. and HG 1/100) And just for kicks a honorable mention for the Banpresto Super/Strike valks.
  20. Now that is very nice. You always do good work.
  21. I agree that would be my #1. I had high hopes for this one. 2. MPC Rick 3. Gakken Stick Ride armor 4. Gakken 1/72 Alpha 5. Any Armada or Energon figure. 6. One of my Yamato 1/60 VF-1J Hikarus. It will not stand for any thing.
  22. I liked Macross II. I have not see the Japanese version yet just the dub. I did the the Macross cannon, VF-2SS and the Metal Siren from the show. I am glad Bandai reissued the VF-2SS kits since a toy anytime soon does not look possible.
  23. Thanks Graham for the picture. I was never really a fan of the VF-0 so I am not going to run out and get it. The gerwalk mode I do not have to worry about because I rarely dispaly in that mode. The fighter mode looks ok. I am not to fond of the battloid mode because of the hips, skinny arms and shoulders. Maybe I pick this one up when it goes on sale.
  24. Yeah still not worth the BIN price even with the cell.
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