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Everything posted by Mechafan

  1. Mechafan

    1/60 Gbp

    I going have to try that. I have one 1/60 VF-1J with will not stand up at all. Before I say this I was just going to put the GBP armor on and lean it against the back of my display cabinet.
  2. I heard about them awhile back. I think they were limited too. I think I remember 750 each or something like that. Have to go searching now. Edit: found where I saw it at Link
  3. Mechafan

    1/60 Gbp

    Those pics are cool. I hope mines comes soon. I just got the armor only. I going to have to do something about that hip issue too. Congrats Graham. Hum 5 more days. So I see a review comming in 10 days. Take your time. Fatherhood is great.
  4. I watch 4 and can not wait for the subbs also. I really want to know what the bad guys were saying while Shin and everyone else were captured.
  5. Man I am sorry for what happen to you. UPS SUCKS!!! The company I used to work for shipped with them. I was also filing missing package complaints. Either they come damaged or not at all. One box when the guy dropped it off had a big hole in it and was crush. I was fortunatly able to see the drivers drop them off because they had to do pickups too.
  6. Those look pretty good. It will be nice to have an Alpha that has the gun attached to the wing. As long as the joints are tight, this will be something to consider.
  7. Now that is a nice idea. Gas prices are insane right now.
  8. Anybody need MPC Bookmarks see here. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...5900396912&rd=1 I went ouch when I saw the price.
  9. I like them and highly recommend them. I Have: #0013 MSA-0011-3 (Bst) PLAN 303E "DEEP STRIKER" #0014 MSA-0011-1 (Ext) Ex-S GUNDAM "TASKFORCE ALPHA" #0017a MSZ-006A1/C1 (Bst) Z GUNDAM PLUS (Blue) #0017b MSZ-006A1/C1 (Bst) Z GUNDAM PLUS (Red) I am thinking about getting the #0019 RX-178+FXA-05D SUPER GUNDAM / FA-178 FULL ARMOR Mk. II
  10. I had that happen before. If finally came. I would Email them to let them know.
  11. That poor guy. That lost one had me in the floor.
  12. Did anybody else see that? This isn't a good thing... If it is true, the world is indeed coming to an end! Yes it is time for everyone to run to the nearest bomb shelters and stock up on canned goods. Looks like they finally put something on that page. Also looks like they finally updated the Robotech page too. Looks like they mean business. I do hope something did get worked out.
  13. Mechafan

    My collection

    Nice collection. I like the way you are displaying them.
  14. So is does look like a Max Q-Rau is comming. Now all we need is a green one.
  15. Nope you are not. I have 12 Strike ones and they are made well. Wow I forgot how long these have been out. I think from checking other posts that I got the first one in November 2002.
  16. Me too! Bandai did reissue the model kit and it kept selling out at HLJ and they did not have to put it on sale. Even many members here got multiple kits. That should show Bandai and Yamato that there is some interest. Maybe do a MW exculsive. Well yeah I dreaming.
  17. If it does happen it will be a long while.
  18. I remember that phrase. I do not get this channel so I will miss it. I have all the Eps on DVD and not worried about it either. I liked Robotech back in the day. I saw it before I found out about Macross. Airing this could have a two-way effect. People become hooked and addicted despite the licensing issue or you have more future HG haters being born.
  19. You Are Veronica Green, You have sort of settled down now you have a daughter and a husband but when The Bride comes knocking on your door things drstically change for the worse for you.
  20. The email I got form HLJ the UPS was getting too expensive to ship by. When they did ship buy UPS the would wait for enought customers to order stuff then do large shippments. So if no US orders were being placed you would have to wait awhile before you could get your items.
  21. So far I have at least one of each. Just waiting for the GBP armor and I am done with the 1/60's.
  22. That is nice. I did not know planes could turn that sharply. It can almost turn on a dime.
  23. $10 to $20 is not a bad price. It transforms fine and just like the Bandai one. But it feels a little cheeper, having incorrect colors, incorrect wings and head.
  24. I am with you on that. I have that one and did not like it much. Paid less than $20 shipped so not too mad. Here are some more pics of the bootleg with out the red shoulders Bootleg. Here are Some of the Bandai version. Note the difference in the wings as stated by RichterX Bandai VF-19S.
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