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Everything posted by Mechafan

  1. That is what I do and I am STILL MARRIED. That is the ultimate plan.
  2. This is sad news. Oh well mabe next time.
  3. Cool. Next time save up and let the box just show up. That is the best way. Either A. she will not care or B. you be on the couch.
  4. If it is your money and will not hurt the bills I says get it. All my wife ask is when the boxes will stop comming and I say never. It also helps to get flowers and candy for your wife just before the box comes. Kevin ships fast. Here is one pic I found.
  5. Wow cheep vintage Legoiss. To bad I not going to AX. Boot or not it is still a great deal. Keep us posted.
  6. For that price the Gakkens are used and prone to breakage. Most of the time missing items, parts and dirty. MIB ones make you have to take out a loan. Only way I would be mad with getting the Toynami one if the Beta never comes out.
  7. Mechafan

    1/60 GBP

    Same here.
  8. You did a real good job on that one.
  9. That is the one I am waiting for.
  10. Mechafan

    1/60 Gbp

    I got mine today and that hip piece is really loose. So far I have it taped. For some reason I liking the K & M armor valk better.
  11. I feel the same way. I like having the choice.
  12. Cool Downloading now.
  13. Congratulations Graham and Amy on ya'll new addition to the family.
  14. I say get them from HLJ. At less then $10 shipped you can not beat that. I have quite a few now and the nice for display. I would not recommend for playing with all the time. This was in another thread. Custom: Ultimate Banpresto
  15. Mechafan

    1/60 Gbp

    irishman, Here are a few places. In Japan: HLJ and Hobby Search In US: TMP Anime and Valkyrie Exchange
  16. It looks a mess.
  17. There are a set 1 and 2. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/toys/m...collection2.htm http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/news/hgmissio.jpg
  18. Nice setup. I like the second one with her had out.
  20. That was a nice find you had there. I never knew about the hip missiles.
  21. I hear you on that one. That is why I included the Bandai Bootlegs also. I see others have done the same too.
  22. I could have not said it better myself. Domestic Macross products at cheep prices. No more extra Hong Kong shipping fees.
  23. Toynami 1/55 (MPC): 7 + 7 armors Bandai 1/55: 8 + bootlegs 5 Jetires 1/55: 2 Bandai 1/65: 2 + bootlegs 1 Bandai 1/72 (HCM): 1 Bandai 1/100: 0 takatoku 1/55: 0 Yamato 1/60: 14 Yamato 1/48: 6 Yamato 1/72: 6 Also models too.
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