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Everything posted by Mechafan

  1. I agree, after seeing this one it was a waste of time. Keep the destiny plan part then have the rest race to stop him. The writers should be fired. I hope they do not do the next seed.
  2. At that price only one set for me at this time.
  3. I was just reading that it could take up to 6 months to get all that water out of there. http://apnews.excite.com/article/20050904/D8CD55B02.html
  4. First my thoughts and prayers go out to those affected. I have family there too. I have a relative that is going down with FEMA to help out. The levy issue is over 30 years old. They should have been better prepared for this. In a science magazine in 2001, what happen to NO was predicted in detail pretty much word for word. I guess no one was hoping it would happen. As for the criminals there, they should be dealt with in the worst way.
  5. Now that is funny.
  6. That looks bad. They did not even evenly paint the dark areas.
  7. Maybe a little longer. I think Gilbert would think twice about bring down Archangel and Orb if Freedom was ripping his army to streads.
  8. Ep 42 was pretty good. I hope Athrun gets himself together and fights. Kira needs to stop that disabling crap. I wonder what Rey is up too?
  9. I hope Kira owns Shinn this time.
  10. For now it is looking good and it is a must watch. I want to see how it turns out.
  11. Analyst: Sony could wait till '07 to launch PS3 Memory Stick Duo only support memory card format in PS3
  12. I have both and like the FP verison more because of the extras. The non FP is made better though.
  13. I wonder that too since in the begining of Destiny Zaft was making advanced mobile suits with Orb.
  14. Cool. It looks like the GUNDAM FIX #7002 SEED FREEDOM GUNDAM is out too. From the back of the box it look like it can do that master grade pose. Mines should be comming soon. I ordered both.
  15. I watched ep 40 and like it. Now I see why the chairman wanted to target Orb. They still have a working mass driver. Legos/EA could still launch attacks into space from there. That gold mobile suit did pretty good so far. Una arrested for treason, that was a nice touch. Now to arrest his father also for putting Orb in danger. They did not even warn the citizens. That is poor leadership. At least Zaft wanted to limit civilian deaths. I think that Dullindal put Shin and Rey into Faith so they can bypass Talla to get things done. He could tell that she is not agreeable with him on his choices.
  16. Ebay would be your best bet. I saw one end a week or so ago. It is normaly this KIT that I see.
  17. Finally saw ep 39 and it was great. "Two minutes!? Twenty five Zakus and Goufs were wiped out in only two minutes!? I know that Captain was crapping in his pants. Now we know Dullindal the real bad guy here. Project Destiny, I wonder what that is?
  18. That is funny. I never noticed the head before.
  19. The painted versions look even better. Thanks! I realy want one of these now.
  20. I would not mind doing that. I picked up the Zboard with the Battlefield 2 key so it is on. I wanna get one of those. Let me know if its any good. 309928[/snapback] For me it is a great keyboard. A lot of sites recommend it. You have programmable keys up top on the base. The key sets switch easily. It has preset layouts for popular games. You can update the key sets from the keyboard directly. It has a two port USB hub built in.
  21. I would not mind doing that. I picked up the Zboard with the Battlefield 2 key so it is on.
  22. I was wondering did anybody get good at flying yet? I am ok with the helicopters now but still have to work on the planes.
  23. I have mine now. It has a lose right arm and the rest I can live with. Now time for some Betas to hook up to these.
  24. The 77.30 Driver worked fine for me. I played some more tonight and I really need to learn how to fly the planes and helicopters. I see that sniping is not easy in this game. Overall this is a very fun game.
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