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Everything posted by Mandy

  1. First Attack for sure. Kickin' ass and takin' names, woo!
  2. It's not about being a "real" fan, it's about observing the scenes the pair share with one another. Alto gives her advice and has shown sincerity and concern for her well-being...you can take that as a more brotherly approach or the potential to have something more grow from it. Ranka isn't 100% oblivious to how Alto is as a person and to his personality; she's just rather naive and thinks she can have her cake and eat it too without some compromise. I see Ranka getting hurt in the future, either it be with her strained relationships or what have you, but it'll make her grow. At least, I hope we'll see such developments.
  3. Mmm but from my PoV I see all these slight nudges in the episodes towards Ranka and Alto; something more meaningful and ambiguous is placed between those two. That isn't saying Sheryl, who is obviously the more popular of the two (both in the series and with viewers), hasn't been getting such treatment as well but it seems more forced I guess. It's what people expect yanno? Granted it's only episode 10, soon to be 11, released yet so things could definitely change!
  4. Why do you say that? Is Sheryl not as popular with the Japanese watchers and another character is? If so, which one? *curious*
  5. Yep; special treatment --> because she's Miss Macross and the lead actress. Too bad the character with my namesake is your typical stuck up broad As for the Hydra-creature thing, yeah, it really was kinda outta left field. And the animation for the scene where it fought against Alto looked really shoddy! But I guess they just wanted to get it over to show how awesome Breera is while dicing it in half lol.
  6. Awh ;( Her stuff is good! I didn't say it sucked or anything...we've just had more Sheryl music than Ranka (at least more impressive stuff). Maybe as the series goes along Ranka will have more to add to her list that we all can appreciate
  7. I really like what ep. 10 did for Ranka; she's finally gotten noticed! It was pretty neat to see the references of Zero and this episode as well as the differences in between; all in all a good episode. Sheryl is quite the sneak though, grabbing that kiss from Alto ;P Too cute.
  8. This is such a hard thing to answer >.< It's really a tie between Ranka and Sheryl; they balance each other out when it comes to their conversations, confrontations and their roles as well as their music. Klan Klan is cute though! I have to see more of her before I make a solid take on how I like her character.
  9. So far all the songs and BG tracks have been fantastic. Macross Frontier is shaping up to be a great series As for my faves: -Diamond Crevasse -Infinity -Welcome to my Fan Club's Night As for Ranka's songs "What 'bout my star?" is good but I have to be a particular mood to listen to Aimo at all. Sheryl seems to have won my heart!
  10. Those images made my night! Great stuff! xD
  11. Great artwork posted here I love the Star Wars art a lot xD Hope to see more cool pics!
  12. I'm not exactly sure how awesome this set is but I wanna say congrats anyway, so congrats! ^o^ Post pics of it later, I'm sure a number of us wanna see it a lot when it's completed.
  13. You really have an awesome talent, Ryuji! I really hope to see Milia next (cause I think she's awesome) buuuut, I would also love to see you make some men as well Give the ladies something to drool over, hehe.
  14. A.C.E. 2 looks really awesome when watching some of the videos people have put up on YouTube! Some of my faves: (3rd A.C.E. 2 promo vid) (A.C.E 2 MAD MOVIE)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckbQSVefI2k (the full A.C.E. 2 promo video) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_cgW6NGonI (Macross footage from A.C.E. 2 with music to Kenny Loggins "Danger Zone") They're all pretty good IMO Go watch!
  15. Wow, that made me lol in real life. Oooh. But in all seriousness I like Claudia too...ever since the first episode!
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