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Everything posted by Mandy

  1. I'm actually rather excited for Delta; that was a pretty good premiere episode! Here's hoping!
  2. Very impressed with this ambitious project! It totally gets my support.
  3. I've been on a Harlock kick lately ever since I caught the movie from last year! Just finished the '78/'79 TV series and working on SSX via YouTube. I'm also watching Space Battleship Yamato 2199 on the side (never saw the original series but loving this one so far!).
  4. Holy cow that BTTF set up is amazing! Hot Toys always impresses me to no end.
  5. This movie is amazingly pretty, and enjoyable for the most part. Entertained me! I saw it on Netflix myself (an excuse to actually use it, woop) but I found that the cut they used had dialogue and scenes removed! I found that this sub job was much better IMO (although image quality is rather poor). I wonder if the DVD releases thus far is what Netflix is using...if that's true then that's disappointing.
  6. I don't think this has been posted (I skimmed the pages of this thread). Remix of Sagittarius 9pm ~ Don't be late http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syyfHKxSIN8
  7. Leon totally should've been thrown out of an airlock or something ~.~ See how you like being thrown out into space!
  8. Holy cow guys. Holy effing cow! That episode had so much stuff it was like daaamn. I couldn't keep up. I'm also glad the triangle wasn't resolved No pairing fans all TOLD YA SO to others yanno? No need for MORE animosity, esp. towards Ranka! And Grace got owned. I love the whole homage to Michel with Alto using his sniper rifle! Awesome. And yes plz for a Macross F movie! I'd so see that. Also: subs nao please!
  9. I am very disturbed right now with this episode NEED SUBS NAO!
  10. I'm soooo glad Ranka has her own opening! ^o^ It's so cool how we now have a Ranka OP and a Sheryl ED. I really wanted to break something when I realized Ozma didn't die; not because he wasn't dead but because I was tricked!! And he earned some bonus points this episode; we see a bit more of his past with Ranka and Cathy as well as his bad ass attitude. Keep on fighting, Ozma! Woooo~~
  11. Wow, an awesome link! Thanks for posting it
  12. All the art of キラッ☆ is really becoming crazy lol! It's hilarious and awesome, love it! xD
  13. Me: totally a little cute green thing! With my complimentary Ranka attached of course
  14. Craaaazy episode if you ask me! I have to admit, I loled quite a bit when Sheryl tried to fly Michel's valk and only ended up getting it blown to bits. Alto so brushed her off too when he went to go save Ranka, which was bit of a sad panda moment, but in the end it didn't matter since Brera totally stole all the glory from him, ha ha. More and more mystery is piled onto Ranka now...Little Queen? *boggle* Must see the next episode!
  15. Until we see her in action I'm holding my breath She could be quite a dunce in the cockpit, to be honest, but hopefully I'll be proved wrong!
  16. The Sheryl flight suit ones are quite nice
  17. I'm talking about before she was sick. Just seems to be that the Sheryl roller coaster of awesome is in a bit of a slump for me when it comes to being interested in what happens to her. The series is taking a definite shift towards Ranka so I'm wondering how Sheryl will play into it, hence my 'hmm' comment.
  18. Lol the Sheryl pic is rather funny! Deflated dumpling, indeed! The Ranka image is very cute; nice coloring!
  19. As the show goes on I'm starting to like Ranka more and more and Sheryl less and less; why don't they make Sheryl DO something again? I lost my Sheryl vibe after around episode 9 or 10. Granted a lot of focus has been given to Ranka lately (which I <3) but I dunno what will happen to Sheryl now...hmm :T
  20. My first reaction? Hoooooly poo MUST HAVE NEXT EPISODE NAO! Oh and Ranka ftw ^o^ Go save her Alto! I know you didn't die >.<
  21. I don't really care for Nanase either, but I can't say I found anything to truly dislike her for. What I DO want is for her to do something relevant than just be Ranka's supporter/friend; it'd be great to make Nanase have a bit more development.
  22. Just watched the episode. Aside from all the sweet Ranka goodness...yeah I am SO pumped about the next episode. SDF-1 man!
  23. Well! It seems that Alto knows what he wants. I can only hope he follows through with it and has no regrets. Felt kinda bad for Ranka though, but then again I kinda expected it :T
  24. That first image cracks me up But I don't know how I feel about Sheryl in Minmay's stage outfits
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