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Everything posted by IIymij

  1. unfortunately they both were super brittle when i transformed it and both are in shambles
  2. my arcadia 1/60 yf-19 feet self combusted.... is there anyone I could comission to 3d print me a set of feet?
  3. Max always was a A head type to me, the J head type doesn't feel max'ish
  4. Sorry to resurrect this from the dead just wondering if any of the macross plus were done by any chance had an urge to watch macross plus but when I loaded up my old manga DVD's the quality was just unbearable to watch and couldn't find any to purchase with the original manga dub for episode 4
  5. Thinking about letting go some of my 1/48 valks Price check on bnib Vf-1j stealth with fast packs Vf-1j max and milia with fast packs Yf-19 Yamato gullet version?
  6. IIymij

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Does anyone know what time the 2nd pre-order wave will be? I missed out on the first one
  7. IIymij

    Bandai DX VF-31

    the vf-31F fitment as you guys said chest piece kind of meh
  8. IIymij

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Thanks~ I'll go check out HLJ, they seem like the best for me
  9. IIymij

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Is this like the Tameshi one? Or do I just buy straight from the website? Sorry newbie at bandai purchases
  10. IIymij

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    What time would it be in PST?
  11. IIymij

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I know everyone's a little frustrated given the situation but is there any benefit in Nippon Yisan not fulfilling their orders? If they did indeed purposely hold back orders to resell at a later time it creates a bad reputation but is that worth it? I think we should stay positive for everyone's order and if you can't wait start your refund process.
  12. IIymij

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Just got a notification
  13. IIymij

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Does the VF-31A fit the normal fast packs?
  14. IIymij

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I think it's just lighting
  15. IIymij

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Did I already miss the PO for the VF-31F Fast packs?
  16. IIymij

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Do you guys think the VF-31A head can fit on a VF-31J body?
  17. Hate to resurrect such an old thread but recently I took my yf-19 down to transform for my niece and I cracked / broke two pieces. Does anybody know where I can replacement parts for these 2 pieces
  18. Thanks!~
  19. Price check for a VF-1J Stealth MIB?
  20. IIymij

    Hi-Metal R

    Looks so much better than the EVO version so far but still looking for a full frontal and undercarriage shot
  21. I couldn't make it, does anyone have pictures of the event?
  22. Am I the only one that thinks the gap and thickness between the wings and the legs are too much? Looks so fat? I think the wings should be moved up into the body and then the legs up more to where the wing currently sits.
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