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Everything posted by Maxtype

  1. Vince,that is looking awesome! On the subject of "non-canon" - I'm planning a lot of non-canon schemes myself. We only saw the boosters in one episode of Macross, so who knows how another unit, another base, or indeed the defense force of a far-flung colony would paint their equipment? About the launch arm-the launch vehicle was just kind of green in it's only appearance. I'd suggest a "minimal" color scheme that wont detract from your beautiful VF-1. Perhaps khaki,olive drab weathered,or something like that. I can't wait to see more!
  2. LOL! We have something in common then!
  3. MickyG, I've just read through this thread, and I want to tell you that you are doing a tremendous job on this kit. I'm about to start my VF-25G Klan Deculture (just got it from HLJ today! ) and I'm going to benefit so much from this build and the experience you and the others have had. I've decided to build mine locked in Fighter mode, to better show off and protect the special markings. Thanks for this thread!
  4. I know some of that line art is in Perfect Memory, but I don't know if I could get usable scans for you.
  5. THOR, That is beyond awesome! I have a suggestion for the future - what about making some of the Macross ground support stuff in 1/48th? The deck tractor,the loading cradle for the Gunpod, that kind of thing?
  6. OMG,that was funny! 'Cuz it's true.
  7. I've been reading these threads with interest (and sometimes tears of laughter),and thought y'all might be interested in my perspective. I'm a Macross fan that was introduced to both Macross and anime-in-general by Robotech. Robotech was on in Denver on a channel I couldn't watch because I lived so far out in the country our antenna was blocked by nap-of-the-Earth. (Gawd,that was a long time ago!) In the Summer of '86 though, a overnight in Denver introduced my brother and I to Robotech by way of Bye-Bye Mars. We were blown away! This was nothing like Thundercats or GI Joe, and soon we bought a few action figures and lusted after the un-affordable Macross model kits we saw advertised in magazines,which also was our introduction to the Japanese origin of Robotech. Taking the best option for poor country boys, we collected the McKinney novels. I loved the first 6,suffered through "Masters", and enjoyed "New Generation". I grew older,started to afford the models I wanted,and discovered other anime,preferably subtitled. Mecha remained a favorite,especially the "real" Macross stuff I found. But I never forgot Robotech. She was the girl what brung me to the dance. Even after I interned at a friend's anime import shop at the turn of the century,learning about HG's attitudes and the real reason it was hard to get Macross stuff, my affection for the old girl remained. I was excited a couple(?) years ago when Shadow Chronicles was announced. It couldn't replace Macross and Gundam, but it would be great to see the rest of the story! OMG. My problem with SC isn't that it's so bad, it's that it's so.........nothing! 20 years of waiting,for this? Now, all I have left is that lingering affection for Robotech as my anime intro. But the series just seems irrelevant otherwise. I think HG's business practices are disgusting, but I wish Robotech fans no ill. I'm glad people are still passionate about it. There is even a tiny part of me that hopes there will be a kickass LAM. The rest of me is busy working on Hasegawa Variable Fighter kits.
  8. Ya' talked me into it! Missiles and flaps,please THOR, I'll knock this -J outta the park!
  9. You could probably talk me into a flap set too.
  10. Got my "Shipped" notice when I woke up this morning. I'm really excited about these PE parts,thank you newca!
  11. That looks great! I'm in for a set.
  12. Just ordered mine as well. Looks awesome,thanks!
  13. The Image quality is great,the subtitle quality is below-average...
  14. Mikimoto is one of MY all-time favorites,old-stuff,new-stuff,whatever. These things are very subjective,and no one is 'right' or 'wrong',we just have different opinions....and one definition of art is a creation which causes an emotional reaction...............
  15. Hey Ryuji, I showed the Full-Moon Minmay to my friends and they loved it too.My friend Bob suggests that you sculpt the Bridge Bunnies and I second that!
  16. Just got mine-excellent kit !Thanks Cap !
  17. Cap,let me know if you release the Regult.
  18. Similar to my reaction when I finally got to SEE the real Macross instead of Robotech ending.It's interesting to note you mention Minmay's growing maturity-many of the people I know who are Macross/Robotech fans HATE Minmay-but I always argue that she is little more than a child at the start of the show-finding herself becoming an idol and than one of the pivot points of the war might mess up anybody-especially a 15-16 year-old kid. Another thing for me is,at the start Minmay overshadows the other female characters with her charm,innocence,and vivaciousness-but as the story goes I learned to appreciate Misa's courage and strengnth of will until she seems much more attractive to me.( For purposes of this discussion we'll leave Miria to the side 'cause of her sheer sexyness,exotic difference and being a fighter pilot put her in a whole other league for me . )None of this should be taken to mean that I stop liking Minmay as a character.She comes full circle for me in Flashback 2012 at the concert/sdf-2 Megaroad launch.She now seems a woman grown,at peace with her choices and joy with her abilities and role.It brings tears to my eyes as the concert finishes,Megaroad launches,and Hikaru's VF-4 squad forms up-with a thumbs-up for Captain Misa on the bridge we know all three characters are where they belong.
  19. Cap,I'll probably be up for 1.
  20. I just got back from Nan Desu Kan 10 in Denver ( last weekend ).I was on staff for the model show.There were tons of costumed guests,and they were just like every body else.80% are nice people-20% are pains in the ass.
  21. Yeah,man!That looks great!How many pieces are left over from the fighter and Battroid kits?
  22. There's a Project Supernova logo on the Hasegawa 1/72 Option Decal # 1 ( #65757 ) but I don't have a scanner or a digital camera. .Maybe somebody else can help.
  23. We could get a whole doll line outta this-Millia from DYRL boxed-other outfits on Barbie-style cards=wedding gown,UN Spacy Flight Suit,UN Spacy Class A's, Pregnant Millia with baby Komillia,Macross 7 Mayor Millia,Jammingbirds Audition Millia,etc...
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