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Everything posted by cwmodels

  1. This scene in the episode got me... First of all they look like they going on a roller coaster ride. Second, seeing the different size seat belts & the safety bar bent out of perspective without padding on it makes me think that shoddy union work still exist in the Macross Universe and Macross Elysion is built by the cheapest contract bidder.
  2. My reply here is not a spoiler either so hope it'll be okay... Given the number of characters on this show there is nothing wrong with multiple plots. The problems comes from having too many unanswered questions, and they are stacking up fast and we are about half way into the series so far. •What are the actual power of Windermerans? •What do they really mean when they say "Wind"? •What really happened to Windermere's planet? •What is the Windermeran's ultimate goal? •Why do some people fall for Var Sndrome and some not? •When we saw Messer was able to control his Var, will that lead to anything? •Will the protoculture ruins lead to anything? •Who is Lady M? •Who is Mikumo? •What is the signifiance of that necklace on Hyate? •What is Freyja's back story? I'd like to have some definitive answers before the show keeps moving forward. It's like many have mentioned that there are huge gaps in plots and logic right now. And it's kinda frustrating just hoping there will be reasonable explainations to everything when it's all said and done in the end.
  3. You're right. It is quite Moe~!
  4. From what I can tell, the Delta Platoon members run on the 5 man team formula of Gatchaman: G1- Arad (straight leader) G2- Messer (cold, distant type) G3- Mirage (only female on the team) G4- Hayate (the youngest member) G5- Chuck (big laid-back guy) With Messier's personality, falling ill and now death patterned exactly after Condor Joe. But Messer's death feels extremely unsatisfying because there was no real arc for the character's journey. They've just begin to develop him in an interesting direction, but then it's cut short too quick without fully realizing the character or further story potential. There wasn't even any setup with Messer's flight log (like perhaps showing him updating it all the time without letting us in on what he is written, so there would be more impact when the content is revealed after his death). I always call this kind of writing "Forced Emotional Climax". The show also feels like it's running on a check list of events/revelations that have to happen, and really stressing on the need to hit a "turning point" mark about every 4 episodes or so. And none of it is doing it in a way that feel like an organic progression. At this point the show is almost 1/3 through and a majority of the very large cast still yet have any true development as characters. While there are a lot of excellent scenes and moments throughout , the overall story structure feel much more labored when compared to Frontier. A lot of stuff occur in a very disjointed way like chess pieces being moved about in an inefficient manner to reach checkmate. I'd like to give Shoji the benefit of the doubt since it is still only 1/3 into the show, and maybe it'll kick into gear very soon. Plus I thought Macross Frontier was truly excellent in the way it was put together. But then again a change of staff for the current production may not have the same caliber of talent like the ones from that series.
  5. Oh yeah! Always prefer those ugly grunt plane even dating way back to those tan colored VF-1A in the original series. So would I! But due the fairly tight production deadlines of releasing new Captain China books this summer and getting the series back on a normal schedule, I can only work on the Cygnus pages during my spare time.
  6. Those VF types will not appear in the story.
  7. As you can see from the pages above, it will be VF-171. And I would say the time frame is unspecified between Frontier and Delta.
  8. You're right, by now in the Macross universe all those tablets should be transparent. My friend was also ragging on the scene when the Walkure was training. It's the future, don't they have something better than old tire on rope? Even Alto trained with the Ex-Gear turned off!
  9. When I first saw this shot in the episode, I mistakenly thought Messer had secretly kept a photo of the Captain. Oh what a twist that would've been... Messer in love with Both Captain Arad & Kagame! And if that was the case then kawamori really blew his chance for a truly interesting love triangle!
  10. yeah, looks like it!
  11. Finally got around to doing some layouts for the comic. Here's the first 5 pages!
  12. Thank you! Well, this is how I see it... Cygnus is purely my own interest, so if I'm not gonna do it, then no one is gonna complete to for me. If you want the ball rolling, you'll have to be the one to kick it off.
  13. Looking forward to it!
  14. I looked through your Macross Elysium comics, all the chapters available so far. I think it shows a lot of effort and the art improves with every chapter. There are some really interesting camera angles too. My only advice/suggestion is to avoid or trim out the negative spaces in a lot of your panels. Zoom in closer on the main subject matter or fill the empty areas with background details. It'll give your art even more power and dynamic.
  15. Thanks for the kind words. My background is actually in comic books. Been a professional comic artist for over 20 years now. I guess character design is just part of the job. While I was in junior high school, I used to draw home made comics featuring characters based on caricatures of friends and classmates. That really helped a lot in learning how to draw characters with different facial structures and body types. Nowadays I teach art twice a week to kids and I always tell them to draw by looking at real life and learn to how interpret people, clothes and fashion trends. What you end up getting on paper is always far more interesting this way instead of just looking at anime art for character inspirations.
  16. Here are the last 2 characters to the cast: Mahlie's Father: Male. Age 49. An over the hill singer who frequents the local Karaoke bar and generally relive his old glory days out of a bottle. Maintenance Crew Tenjin: Male. Age 42. An experienced aircraft mechanic aboard Battle Aurora. A good friend to Mahlie and helps her out often. ​And this is the final version of the Height Chart. Despite the seemingly large cast of characters, some of them only appear in just a few panels throughout the entire comic.
  17. Kagame don't seem to get a lot of love so I drew her! YEAH!
  18. Mirage looks great! Hope to see finished piece soon!
  19. That kicks a lot of ass!
  20. Yeah! Thanks! That would be nice, but I don't know if it'll ever happen. On a similar note, I've seen a lot of really great officially published Gundam side-story comic book works coming out of Japan throughout the years, but a lot of those never gets incorporated into the "real" Gundam continuity. So I'm not sure if that is how things like that work in the Japanese industry. Here's a larger color image of the Cap and his girls. And another edition to the cast: MIYATAKE - Male. Age 67. Japanese descent. Retired space ship engineer. Currently owner and bartender of a local karaoke bar Mahlie’s father frequents.
  21. Well... I guess you won't then... Here is the profile for the Captain & the Bridge Bunnies along with updated height chart. CAPTAIN KUROKAWA KENJI - Male. Age 56. Japanese descent. Father was a famous Anime Producer back on Earth before Space War I. Born in Macross City shortly after the war ended. Joined U.N. Spacy in his early 20’s. Rose steadily through the ranks and now in command of Battle Aurora. Rank is Brigadier General. ZARA BAYAZ - Zolan. Age 25. Alien from the Planet Zola. In charge of Onboard Ship Controls. Rank is Major. NICHOLE TAYLOR - Female. Age 21. Black and Hispanic descent. Squadron Control and Navigation. Rank is First Lieutenant. QUDAALUPE VALKOIINEN - Meltran. Age 19. Born of Zentradi parents through natural birth. Fleet Communications and Information Analysis. Rank is Second Lieutenant.
  22. LOL I actually tried multiple color for hair & skin tones at first but ended up with color coordination problems and not making them feeling like a group. So I simplified it all with just GREEN! Hee Hee... Here is the rough sketch for Macross Aurora Captain & the 3 Bridge Bunnies.
  23. Thank you very much! After writing up the first draft of the script in the past few days, I have determined that there will be music and a (not-so-conventional) love triangle in the story. Though by adding in those 2 elements the comic ballooned to about 40 pages. The type of music to be featured in the story will be Boy Band Songs: FLAME OUT BOYS - Macross Aurora's Zentrandi Teen Pop Idol Group. They help bridge the cultural gap between Humans & Zentrans with their ultra popular singles like "You, Me, Lovin' like a Flame", That Deculture Feelin' Wit' You" and the war winning emotional mega hit "My Love Will Not Flame Out For You"!
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