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Everything posted by cwmodels

  1. ​Maybe I did't phrase my self correctly when I said "None of the Macross series since Plus..." I also meant that Macross Plus is included in the batch and is flawed in it's writing as well. None of the characters hand any real journey or arch. It had ideas and but some where never explored to the fullest. And no disrespect to some of your comments, but I don't really need a history lesson on Macross Plus or 7 since I was there when it happened and I've read most of the articles and interviews back when the series were running. This I agree with whole-heartedly. I don't think Shoji is as good of a creator as people (and himself) make it out to be. You read his interviews and you see him talk about concepts, ideas, or emotions, but never really emphasis on any writing and story.
  2. The reason I strongly speculate the current problem of the show stems from Kawomori and the staff and not coming from sponsorship or budget or not having enough content is due to 2 reasons: #1) this interview with director Yasuda Kenji published back in May: https://karice.wordpress.com/2016/05/29/p509/ Where he states this: That tells me he has done more adaption anime work than creating original shows. So the strength of creativity and keeping it balanced still fall upon kawamori. #2) At the end of June Kawamori announced this: http://www.project-the-next.com And this announcement came 2 weeks after he attended Beijing Comicon. The bottom of the website copyrighted it to kawamori Shoji and Xiamen Skyloong Media (a China bases entertainment company). With my recent dealing in China trying to launch my Captain China comic over there, I've learned that there is a huge demand to develop entertainment IP, content, and commercial properties for the Chinese market and they are willing to invest an unbelievable amount of money to make it happen, and they want it FAST FAST FAST! And judging by the video clip on that site, THE NEXT is already well under way in production. This is unusual too since I've never seen Kawomori splitting attention when a Macross series is actually running. None of the Macross series since Plus had perfect writing. But there was at least a consistency of following it's own internal logic with character depiction, motivation, technology and keeping the overall story in coherence. And I found none of that in the second half of Delta. It feels like someone trying to ape a Macross show without grasping those core values, and having no direction on where to go now. So my gut feeling is that Kawomori has already jumped ship and hand the majority of Delta's production over to Yasuda Kenji, and his inexperience in handling original creative work is causing the show to decline in quality.
  3. BOTH. Because female audience do not respond well to sexual contexts in that kind of manner. Woman in general wants to see pairing and relationship and romance. Gratuitous T&A don't work for them the same way it works for man. WHOA.... hold you horses here. Where did you even get the idea that I wanted it a hard hitting space drama? I never said that before and Macross never appealed to me in that fashion either. Did you not read the part where I said I really liked Delta for the light and fun aspect? This is exactly the kind of second guessing I was referring to in my above post. You projected what you wanted to see in things I never said and you ran with it by making up a bunch of excuses for ME. And that's what happened with the translation in that booklet. People are making up stuff about sponsorship and time and budget cuts and pressure and other details when none of those reasons were stated.
  4. There was also Mirage's boob scene in episode 14 and Elysion back-dooring the city ship. It all seem like some immature yuk-yuk joke with the production staff patting themselves on their own back. I am certain this show is geared toward female audience and If they think girls responds well to this kind of humor then they are way out of touch with the current market. I don't truly buy this 13 episode excuse theory (which is mostly people on this board second guessing from one sentence found in a booklet) and that is because the Windermeres are still poorly set up as antagonists throughout the series with poorly defined motivation and powers. Even if you just end the series at episode 13 with Delta force stopping their invasion, they still would've been paper-thin characters. There are obvious problem from the get go and it just got magnified as the show progressed and I think this squarely fall onto the shoulders of Kawamori and the main staff he picked for this series.
  5. I actually liked the first half of Delta a lot. It was very colorful and fun and different and felt like it was geared toward a younger audience. Despite being a bit clunky in the story pacing, there were a lot of energy in every episode with the way they intercut the songs and action scenes. There was a certain exciting momentum of discovery that propelled the show forward. I had a good time watching and rewatching every episode. I felt it was more character driven with emphasis on Hayate & Freyja's journey from episodes 1-8, so I was willing to forgive some of the story pacing flaws and letting many of the characters being pushed into the background. And it worked pretty well by following those two from joining the team and discovering their powers and abilities and how they fit into their whole grand scheme of things in the Windermere War. It also seems like they were setting up matches and conflicts between certain characters from both sides which will pan out in the later parts of the story. Then Episode 9 starts to focus on Message and Kagame and Arad, so I thought: "Great! they are gonna develop those 3 characters now with a second triangle and it'll continue to be a revolving door of shifting focus from characters to characters throughout the series"... But then it all went down from there with Messe's death. The show drifted aimlessly in space in the second half like the characters in them. What I also find troubling is the sudden injection of fan-services into the second half which I think really cheapens this show even further. I felt uncomfortable watching those scenes and don't find it matching the fun, lighter tone of the earlier parts of the series. You didn't need it in the first half to sell the show, why stick it in now? It kinda feels like they are just spinning their wheels in mud and not know how to get the audience's attention anymore unless they default to typical anime cliches or go lowbrow. It's just really disappointing.
  6. But you don't throw the basic rules of writing outta the window even if you have to start rushing things. Motivations, setups, actions, reactions and consequences should still be there. It's as if the show is now written by a guy who's never had a basic writing lesson before. And so far it's a mess that has never surfaced to such a degree before in a Macross series.
  7. Still don't explain anything in a logical sense! No you are not. The show has taken a nose dive after episode 13 and it makes me think how untalented Kawamori and his staff at Satelite turned out to be. Rehashing old visuals, concepts, anime trope and dialogues. Kawamori claims he's always trying to do something different and new with each new Macross series but this show has proven otherwise. Here is why I have a lot of problem with the events occurring (aka writing) in episodes 19 to 22 •Hayate unconscious after the crash but wakes up on his own by the end of the episode. •We found out Mikumo is unconscious and submerged in a tank. The Walkurie girls go search for her but got caught and the put into jail, but then Mikumo shows up and they are freed without conflict or obstacle. •Hyatt & Freyja are pulled out of fighting status but then gets put back into action without any conflict or obstacle. •Freyja & Mirage concerned for Hayate going var. Hyatt goes Var. Hyatt then regains control with their love (?) Problem solved within 1 episode! •Freja & Kagame gets sucked outta shuttle but gets rescued immediately. So what point does that serve? The setup, action, and consequence don't really put any of the characters in any peril or danger OR create drama, pitting them at odds or conflict. A scene/situation starts with some signs of trouble but always quickly gets resolved on it own. *It's not like while Hataye is unconscious, and later on the fear of him going Var puts the Delta them into a tight spot without their most talented pilot against the White Knight. *Windermere making a strike with Heniz's song while the Walkurie girls are in jail with Mikumo in a tank and Freyja doubt her singing. *Hataye going Var and actually killing Cassim would make it feel truly outta control and dangerous and give a sense of ned and desperation to bring him back. *Freja and Kagame separated from the group and their fighting strength is scattered across Windermere. The plot is not moved by characters' actions, reactions, and consequences. THINGS JUST HAPPENS.
  8. WOW... just saw the subs and things just... HAPPENS... They worry about Hayate losing control from Freyja's singing so she has trouble singing. Then they tell her to sing for real and she did and Hayate loses control. But Haya-Haya then snaps out of it from getting a robo-hug and says "I will never lose control again!" HOW THE F*CK CAN YOU GUARANTEE THAT?????? F*CK... This kind of writing just lacks of any coherence or logic.
  9. I don't think it is necessary to debate over something so trivial in someone's showcase posting of his model kit. It's all personal preference and aesthetics He is entitled to his opinion and you are to yours. Honestly, keep going on like this seems so pointless and tacky.
  10. That sounds great. Now if anyone here can give a bit of assistance I would greatly appreciate it.
  11. Well... I stand corrected.
  12. I find it kind funny that people are still debating who Lady M could turn out to be. Does it even matter at this point? Looks like she'll only appear at the last episode as a nod to continuity, and that in my opinion is BS outdated form of anime writing. If you are gonna introduce a plot element, THEN USE IT! Don't give it to us as some kind of fanboy handout! Like everything else in this series it has no real impact to the story or character at all thus far. After Episode 13, the show feel like you're stuck in a traffic jam with constant stop and go stop and go and stop. I honestly don't need a back story for the Walkure. The show just ran with them already a group from the beginning and I was perfectly find with it. It's just way too late in the game to bring up all this past history because there's still so many other back story that are more important that is yet explained. (Hyatt's father, Mirage's family tie, and Windemeres are so under developed as characters/villains at this point that I feel NOTHING for them) That falls into the area of BAD WRITING. Not to mention for the past several episodes all the information is delivered with characters either standing around or sitting around doing nothing but emotionlessly talk, talk and talk. So far for me the best thing to come out of every episode is seeing Brian Cranston inspiring comments here! I need some right now!
  13. "Lil Draken"... Shoji couldn't come up with a better name than that? ​And where the heck are Mirage and Chuck VF-31? Hope it doesn't go to P-Bandai!
  14. Male of 2 and female have 1. All windemeres are probably genetically modified by protoculture from reindeers.
  15. Hi, Posted this in the wanted section for the past few days but got no reply. So I thought I'd try asking again here. This is for the Bandai DX VF-25G toy (not the renewal version) I am looking for this connecter piece circled in the photo. Do anyone have a spare one to sell or to give away or willing to lend me for a week so I can make a duplicate piece with my modeling skill? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
  16. Here is another build up for Draken III: http://macross-matome.net/goods/8498/
  17. It's a multi-million dollar production and they started working on it over an year in advance, with early promotion and scouting for new talents. Not to mention there are multiple sponsorship and product tie-ins. The drop in quality is very noticible after episode 13, I find it very hard to justify it with calling it poor planning.
  18. Kinda glad I didn't buy the Bluray right away! Let's see... Episode - 17: Big Ass Song dump Episode - 18 : Another Song dump (totally wasting the debut of the awesome song "Love! Thunder Grow" by using it as the ending theme) Episode - 19 : Info dump (totally wasting the debut of the awesome song "The Wind blow without notice" by using it as the ending theme) Episode - 20: Story goes into Meandering Mode (no new song nor Valk action) Episodee - 21: Back story dump After Episode 13 the action and use of songs are so uneven, careless and unstructured! Shoji did announce "THE NEXT" few days after episode 13 aired... Did he took Chinese investor money after Beiing Comicon and jumped ship to work on "THE NEXT" and left Delta in the hands of second-stringer staff?
  19. Don't know, got those 2 photos from here http://blog.livedoor.jp/hobisima-rittai/72_Sv-262Hs_2016-08-20-1
  20. This is really odd to see... the Draken is smaller than the Seigfried in Fighter mode but towers over it in Battroid mode! The head, feet and hands in comparison to the VF-31 looks way too big.
  21. Draken III Assembly process part 2 http://blog.livedoor.jp/hobisima-rittai/72_Sv-262Hs_2016-08-20-1
  22. Draken III Assembly process part 1 http://blog.livedoor.jp/hobisima-rittai/72_Sv-262Hs_2016-08-20
  23. New official images of Draken III http://bandai-hobby.net/site/character_macrossd/72_sv262hs.jpg Frame and Parts http://schorst.blogspot.tw/2016/08/172-sv-262hs-iii-from-kenbill-blog.html
  24. What I said about last episode... So they pretty much did it in this episode. But you found out the girls aren't really all that exceptional in their skillz. And everybody still spent a good chunk of the episode standing around talking. it also makes me think last episode is kind of a useless recaps episode now. Delta is starting to venture into the "frustration television" territory.
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