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Everything posted by cwmodels

  1. Megacon this weekend, Hope those of you coming to the show will stop by the Model Contest room and check us out!
  2. Minor change. I've just been informed the model contest will now be held in Room 311G. All the above info are updated as well.
  3. So generic and "Bay-Looking"!
  4. Hi, MEGACON is the biggest Sci-fi & comic book related convetion in the Florida area. There are plenty of guests, dealers, and events planned for the weekend. It's also got the largest cosplay contest on the east coast. Megacon 2007 will beheld on February 16th – 18th, 2007. If you are interested in attending, please go here or more information: http://www.megaconvention.com/ Thanks!
  5. MEGACON 2007 SCI-FI & ANIME MODELING CONTEST sponsored by www.hobbyfanatics.com This is the very first modeling contest held at this Megacon! The goal of this contest is to help promote Sci-Fi and Anime model building and to bring together people who share interests in this hobby. We have some terrific prizes lined up for the winners, and we hope all the participants will have a great time for entering! RULES There will be three (3) categories for the contest. You are allowed to enter one (1) kit for each category. This means that each contestant is only allowed a maximum of three (3) entries. Figures (anime, video game, pin-up girls, superheros, aliens, monsters, creatures, military figures, etc.) Mecha (Robots, Gundam, Macross, Five Star Stories, Patlabor, Dunbine, L-Gaim, Dragonar, etc.) Sci-fi Vehicles (Star Wars, Star Trek, space ships, movie cars, and other imaginary vehicles.) If you are not sure which category to enter, we will assign or move your entry to the suitable category if necessary. *All entries must be your own work. *All entries must be fully painted and completed model kits. *Resin, vinyl, and plastic-injection kit are allowed for entry. *Kit bashing, conversions, "dressing up", etc. are permitted and encouraged! *Entry will be disqualified if the work submitted are found to be done by others and do not belong to you! *Staff of Megacon are permitted to enter but will not be able to win any prizes. REGISTRATION Registration begins on Saturday, February 17 at Room 311G when Megacon opens. Contestant must sign up with model(s) present at Room 311G on Saturday from 10:00am to 2:00pm in order to quality for the contest. All entries received afterwards will be allowed for display but not allowed to compete in the contest. JUDGING Judging for all Grand, Second, and Third will be conducted by the contest staff. Judging criteria will be based on, but not limited to the following: * Uniqueness / Creativity * Paint Job * Building Skill * Overall Appeal * Any bases built may or may not be evaluated. PRIZES After judging, prizes will be handed out to the following winners. (prize to be determined by sponsors) Figures Category Grand Prize Second Prize Third Prize Mecha Category Grand Prize Second Prize Third Prize Sci-fi Vehicles Category Grand Prize Second Prize Third Prize **There will be maximum 9 winners in total. **Contestants are allowed for multiple winnings from separate categories. ENTRY DEADLINES All entries must be entered by Saturday, February 17 from 10:00am to 2:00pm. Judging for all prized will begin on Saturday, February 17 from 2:00pm to 3:00pm. All winners will be announced on Saturday, February 17 at 3:30pm. If you need clarification of any terminology or have questions and concerns, please feel free to post here or e-mail us at: Megacon2007@aol.com Contest is available for registered attendees of Megacon. Rules are subject to change in any shape or form at the discretion of the contest staff at any time without notice. Judges' decision is final. Prizes will have no other value than what is stated above. By submitting any contest entries, you agree to any and all of these stipulations. Any submissions by a minor must be done so with express parental or guardian consent. No purchase necessary. Post or E-mail questions in advance.
  6. Hi everyone, I'd like to announce Modelpalooza 2007! It's a model show sponsored by Orlando IPMS. This is the biggest model show here in the Florida area. It's a 2 day event with vendors and contest, and also the first time Anime modeling is included as an official category for the contest. I hope many of you can come and join us for the fun! For more information and registration please go here: http://www.ipmsorlando.com/modelpalooza/2007/index.htm If you have any questions and comments, please post it here! Thanks!
  7. Can't talk much about "leaked" stuff.
  8. Is cwmodels jerking us around or what? I'm rather annoyed since that second one looks even more amatuerish which leads me to believe this is a hoax. Okay...
  9. Not sure if these has been discussed before, but a friend in Taiwan would like to get them. Do anyone here have any information regarding these new Marvel figures? Title, Release dates, etc? http://www.toysdaily.com/phpBB2/viewtopic....aae2d7a9db00f2f Thanks!
  10. Hi, the above link has been edited. http://www.hobbyfanatics.com Hope you can join us there!
  11. Congratulations! I think your idea for the paint job would look very nice. So when will u be receiving the prize?
  12. Here's what I've been working on for the past several months. Not exactly on my workbench at this point. It's almost done except for the cockpit piece, so the completed parts are moved to the display case. Will post better pics once it's finished.
  13. Anywhere I can find translations for all the info from Model Graphix regarding the Advance Valkyrie in Action issues? I would like to read up on all the squadron info and development data regarding the VF-1, YF-19 & YF-21. Thanks for your help!
  14. The second picture belongs to me. That's from my collection. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...e=post&id=27596 Both kits were released by Tuskuda Hobby back in the early 90's. The material is vinyl. The kit I own is already built. But If you want it I can part it for $30.00. You'll need to strip the paint though (oven clearners will do the job).
  15. When I worked at Marvel Comics, we had a music band that played at company parties named "The Fantastic Four and MORE". The group was formed outta Marvel employees and was called that because it consisted of MORE than 4 members. Kinda dumb... And that was my impression about the Fantastic Four movie before I saw it this weekend. To my SURPRISE, it was no where near as bad as I had expected. A pretty watchable movie and a lot of fun too. I really thought it was going to be a complete turd and almost didn't go, but I went with my roommates and we had a blast. We were laughing the entire time. I'll admit the plot was pretty dumb, Doctor Doom was awful, and it was overall cheesy. But at least the 4 main characters were handled well and LIKABLE. Because of that, I was able to forgive A LOT. The movie never hit a high note but it never hit a complete low either. It stayed on course and was at least a fairly even film. There was also a good amount of funny moments that really got the audiences rolling in the theater. Kids who saw the movie will probably want to buy Fantastic Four toys. And I always like it when a Superhero movie is able to make kids fall in love with the characters. The Fantastic Four movie is no where near as good as Spider-man 2, or Batman Begins, or X-Men 2, but it is far better than Hulk and Punisher. Don't expect the best Superhero movie when you go see it, just expect to have a stupid fun time and you'll probably enjoy yourself. I know I certainly did!
  16. Just saw Batman Begin myself tonight. It is everything you hope to see in a Batman movie and so much more. Good story, good acting, good dialogues. A very satisfying film over all. The movie did fall short on a few things. One part was the action. It was very unclear of what occurs every time someone fights. Often too blurry to make out anything. They also downplayed Batman a lot in this movie so it had very little iconic images. And for a comic book movie it needs visuals that should ingrain into the audience's mind. There are no definitive shots that served the purpose. To me, the first half of the movie was the best part. Every scene had conflict, all propelled Bruce Wayne's drive and motivation which shaped him into Batman. Bruce's conflict over he parent's death. Bruce's conflict about his own path. Bruce's conflict with killing. Bruce's conflict of living up to his father. Bruce's conflict with his own fear. Bruce's conflict between vengeance and justice. I didn't think the second half after Bruce Wayne became Batman was as interesting but it was still pretty good. His fight against Gotham's corruption took place on many levels. Batman cleaning up the criminal underworld and Bruce Wayne regaining control of his fortune/business were both handled smartly. Batmobile chase, scarecrow, bat swarm, Ra's Al Ghul's assualt on Gotham was all cool and fun stuff. But the whole point of the movie never lost itself. Bruce's search and struggle to be something bigger than himself did result in more than an ideal or symbol or even Batman. What he found was even better... he became HOPE. When Rachel told Bruce she may see the man she once knew return someday, this implies that Batman's crusade CAN change the world for good and he will have a chance to be just a man again. It is the only time I've ever seen real hope instilled in Batman (no movie, cartoon, or comic ever pointed that out) And that's the most important thing the film addressed.
  17. I thought this Star Wars Movie had some really good parts, some really bad parts, and the pacing was uneven. But overall, it is better then the previous 2 installments. The BAD Poor handling of Natalie Portman's character. It's only purpose was to give a reason for Anakin's fall and giving birth to the twins. It's bad when you one of your main/important character from the previous films is reduced to a plot device. No Chemistry between Hayden Christensen and Natalie Portman. Their relationship was unbelievable and the dialogues between them were awful. Hayden Christensen's acting is just as wooden as seen in "Attack of the Clones". No real emotions to the way he delivered his dialogues. Key points in the story were handled poorly. The turning of Anakin and the Death of Padme were very weak. No real emotion in both scene. General Grievous was weak as a major villain (almost silly in some aspects) for the first half of the film. Major villains like Count Dooku and General Grievous both got killed way too easily. All the Jedi master were killed way too easily by Clone Troopers. The scenes generated no emotions. A lot of the dialogues could have been written or delivered better. Samuel L. Jackson 's acting was BAD. The voices for all the Battle Droids...BAD! Movie still left plenty of plot holes that ties into the original trilogy. Obi-Wan not recognizing R2D2 and C3PO. Uncle Owen not remembering C3PO (he owned C3PO for about 10 according to "Attack of the Clones"). Leia talking to Luke about the memories of her mother as being very beautiful but sad in Return of the Jedi. The UNEVEN Palpatine's character is played way-too-over-the-top sometimes. Only a few scenes retained the original subtle sly and deceptiveness of the character from "Return of the Jedi". Poor pacing for some of the action scenes. The Space battle in the beginning and the final dual with Obi-Wan & Anakin were drawn out a little too long. The battle on the Wookie planet and dual with Count Dooku were too short. Obi-One was knocked out in minutes fighting Count Dooku, but was able to beat Anakin who were able beat Count Duku on his own? All the major fight scenes concludes too abruptly. None of it felt like they achieved a real climax. The raibowed-colored lizard Obi-Wan rode on. It felt very out of place in that sequence. The way it's played in "Revenge of the Sith", Darth Vader should be Emperor Palpatine's number 1 in charge. But in "A New Hope" he is under Grand Moff Tarkin. The movie should have addressed that better. Showing the Death Star's frame under construction at the end of the movie was rather unnecessary. The GOOD The second half of the movie is better than the first half. It's better to have a film suck in the beginning and get better later then good in the beginning and suck in the end. Ewan McGregor's acting is the best part of the movie. There were scenes that could have easily played out very flat (or even badly) but his acting was able to make it better and hold your attention to it. Fight with Yoda and Palpatine. Not the greatest fight scene but at least it gave the fans what they wanted to see. Despite the fact that you knew Yoda was going to lose, the sequence did make you hope that he could somehow win. That aspect was captured very well. The final dual with Obi-Wan and Anakin. Once again Ewan McGregor's acting carried the whole sequence. He played it so you did feel Sorry for Obi-Wan after he beat Anakin. It could have been"YEAH! I finally got him!" but instead it was portrayed correctly as a tragic scene. Obi-Wan was in pain over the loss of Anakin. The emotion of the scene was done right! Over all, not bad but could have been better in many ways. May go again to see how the movie will hold up after a second viewing.
  18. She's made out of sculpy and epoxy putty. The gray stuff is primer paint. It coats the model before painting. And the metal rod sticks into....
  19. Figure is finally done! More pics can be found here: http://www.hobbyfanatics.com/gallery/view_...mName=album1003 You and see the building progress here: http://www.hobbyfanatics.com/index.php?showtopic=5609
  20. Hi, One of the Hobbyfanatics members requested donation of model kits for Tsunami relief auctions on ebay. The Sara Nome model was one of the kits I donated for it and I told the person to set it at any price he see fit. This is maybe your chance to obtain the kit for a lower price and to help out the Tsunami victims. Thanks for the review Myersjessee, I look forward to see you complete Sara figure sometimes soon in the future.
  21. Mao...Myung.... hard choice even for me.
  22. Depends on whether this one sells or not.
  23. Thank, I just sent you the paymnet info. Myung should be the next one in line since I have strated on her already. Just don't know when she'll be done.
  24. Very Cool. I gotta pass this info to Re-issue Liu.
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