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    United States - NJ 07470

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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Just Need to know when to expect it. Missed the Korean Festival in NYC!!! Work!! F--k!! I would appreciate if it if anyone can tell me. Thank YOu!
  2. Sorry Screwed Up! But you get the point!!!!
  3. Here's to Starscream! [attachmentid=37073] SunStorm [attachmentid=37073] Ghost Starscream [attachmentid=37073] Name - dont know
  4. I believe it was mentioned already!!!!!!
  5. You got to admit macross was not that great until Jetfire came along!!!!!! He the first chunky monkey!!!!![attachttp://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/style_images/mwimages01/folder_mime_types/gif.gif http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/style_imag...ifhmentid=37048][attachmentid=37048]
  6. Thats it there should be no more transformers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Dont forget about: Dogfight Quickswitch - Six Changer Tracks - car plane cloudraker - autobot clone cloudburst - auto pretenders sky high - " brain storm - headmaster highbrow - headmaster helecopter afterburner - technobots strafe - technobots swindle - combaticon vortex - combaticon scourge six shot - dec six changer triggerhappy - targetmaster misfire - targetmaster slugslinger - targetmaster battletrap - Duocons flywheels - duocons apeface - headmaster horrorcons snapdragon - headmaster horrorcons needlenose - targetmaster spinister - targetmaster Dreadwind & Darkwing - to form Dreadwing - Powermaster wind sweeper - triggercons powerglide skystalker - dec micromaster jet command center big shot - autobot battle potral - micromaster nightfight - dec. airstrike potrol storm cloud - " whisper - " tailwind - " Skyhopper - Dec. Well I started this I might as well post this!!!!!!
  8. We were Young and Naive!!!!!!! What Can I Say!!!!!!! I Didn't Pay for them!!!!!!
  9. I know it macross But the First CHUNKY MOnkey!!!
  10. How about Jetfire or astrotrain!!!!!! I suprised no one has mentioned jetfire yet!
  11. GOTTA HAVE THEM ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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