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Everything posted by Yohsho

  1. Well I really like the new design you've got up, but my only beef is that I can't read anything that's being displayed. Its a little too small and gray on gray doesn't work for me.
  2. Ok, how about this anyone who lives near the Mount St. Helen's sends their Macross Collection to ME for safe keeping. As in I live in Victoria and its just far enough away that I won't feel any effects from the eruptions (I think ) and it'll arrive here really quickly. Truthfully tho, my prayers go out to anyone who lives near the volcano and hope nothing happens to you.
  3. That was great! I loved it, it was funny.
  4. OMFG the size of that thing. Sucks that it can't have the HD installed into it, but maybe a USB HD then? Well I'm glad they integrated the network adapter.
  5. You know if I ever make trips to Vancouver its directly to Richmond to buy stuff. But I'm lazy and never have the time to get a ferry ride over.
  6. I was almost blinded by that Basara pic... but I think Minmay made up for it... in the end.
  7. lol Ramrod! I did a thread about who knew that one a LONG time ago on MW. Actually I did catch the last ep of macross plus on teletoon when they were just finishing airing anime. I've got it on tape somewhere.
  8. Voted for the VF-9, what about a FAST Pack conversion to turn it into the mirco missle luancher stuff?
  9. The only thing I hated about Teletoon and Space is when tehy played the adult anime at night they repeated the same ones over and over. But hey at least YTV is getting some anime so we're not so deprived.
  10. LOL 3 Second rule!
  11. yes agreed So this isn't a professional thing then?
  12. Whoa whoa whoa, did you just write that you gave your first dome to a friend who just bought a full size X-Wing? WTF? Well its looking real cool. So have you thought about the pop-up lightsaber? (maybe make up just pop up just a little)
  13. That's sooooo cool. And they're pretty big as well.
  14. meh, I need to brush up on my transformers I see.
  15. Its funny and I love that scene where Natsuko takes on the Panther Claw in the station. Although sometimes I feel like I've suffered brain damage because of the show.
  16. OK that looks cool, now I'm really pissed that I missed the series finale the first time around... Anyone know where I can get one or two of those pulse pistols? I like the design of them.
  17. Oh man do those look cool. I can hear my bank account screaming as I get cash to get these.
  18. Being that I grew up with a Grandma who had VHS's filled with martial arts like these types of movies these are nostalgic to me. I like this movie because of the way the whole story plays out. The fighting is good as well.
  19. Ok, when I first saw Luke I freaked and thought I was on drugs or walked thru a strange smoke cloud I shouldn't have. Darth though is something I would buy to stick in the car or to bug the little cousins when they come over.
  20. Yeah that's the B the D has different wing and tail setup. Just look at the one Shin flies in Mac0 and you can see the difference.
  21. Let's see, I think there are 8 fansubbed right now, and for how many there will be... Let's say 28 eps?
  22. OMFG that's amazing! I praise you and your mad papercraft skills. That's amazing, plus you decided to go for fully transformable which is really cool.
  23. That's cool! I would kill to be able to make one of these. If you look closely at the pics some of the guys made the robots look like some of the Gundams and Mangzinger
  24. Yohsho

    Enraged Zentran

    Nice work!
  25. Out of all the SEED and Astray Gundams that have come out, for some reason I've liked this one since when I first saw it in Hobby Japan.
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