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Everything posted by Yohsho

  1. Ok thats cool.
  2. lol I finally got my Rei figure and manga for my B-Day, thank you canadian stores and their slow recieving. Anyways, I really can't justify paying like $60 US for a figure that's going to be the same size as Rei even if it comes with a cool skull throne and big spear. Everyone keeps forgetting that Shinji's Mom piloted Eva-01 they should make one of her. I've got a pic of her ina plug suit somewhere.
  3. OMG these guys had too much time on their hands, but I would never wanna play these guys in the arcade.
  4. Ok this is why I don't come into the Toys section very often... but I'll be doodling some Valk girls to see if they get to become the project... VF-0 anyone?
  5. That's awesome. Only thing that really bothers me is the wiggle it does before landing and the head popping up.
  6. This might be it?
  7. Interesting, I'll save judgement about the anime series iteself till when it airs. But, the colors Gah!
  8. dammit that's soo cool. I want.
  9. lol that christmas stuff they put up this year is bigger than last years stuff. But I still don't see any moogles giving away free stuff yet.
  10. same, sitting here waiting for the update. Writing up those christmas cards that need to be sent out.
  11. That guy is huge! Man, one of these days... I'll go into Dynamis and die with a whole mass of ppl =P
  12. OMG! My eyes, they burn. Why did I even look before reading the posts.
  13. lol ah yes, graphic errors. I've had it screw up where the top half of player model is completly dead while they're running around. Yeah I'm 51 now and I ready miss the low lvl days... 3300/10000 now I about that Treant picture... I have one of me following last year's treant around, tried to fight it at lvl15. died.
  14. Don't worry I've got ppl who'll help me get Genkai1. Oh and the Christmas trees will be up, soon, like after the next update I hear.
  15. Let's see I'm still hanging on Unicorn, lvl50 RDM and a whole bunch of stuff at 30 or so. A whole bunch of stuff I've done... still need to do Limit1 as of writing this and still in need of money.
  16. Wow, I really like the colours on the Freedom Gundam.
  17. ::hesitates for a while at the sight of the wierd cleavage, then humps the monitor anyway:: OK there's the trauma for the week
  18. Curse Canada and not being able to get this kind of stuff! *sigh* If anyone sees this shirt for sale up here please tell me which store so I can buy it. Hopefully this island I live on will have that store.
  19. UN Spacy NERV logo Yukikaze FAF logo and a whole bunch more I can't remember right now.
  20. Interesting, why don't we get transforming robot commercials here. Why doesn't Xerox offer the transforming copier in their catalogs, I want one. Girl's hot too.
  21. Cool! Thanks for sharing.
  22. Ok first person to make something to put up. Never made a card before but I had a picture I wanted to use lying around so I thought I'd mash something together. Turned out... OK I think.
  23. lol I always love seeing that mower. I saw the one where a guy is giving it a push start and takes a dive before it gets airborne.
  24. lol good job!
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