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Everything posted by Yohsho

  1. ok two things: WTF! and OMG some of these are pretty good for MSPaint. lol I gotta try to make one up later.
  2. UN_MARINE those 2 new heads are awesome.
  3. Hobby Japan Covers all done, Dengeki Hobby covers will be posted after I test this linky. This one
  4. I"ll get on it. lol plus as a bonus I"ll scan in the dengeki hobby covers. holy crap I just stuck a Hobby japan onto the scanner those are huge!
  5. Gung Hay Fat Choy! Let's hope for more macross toys and a new tv series!
  6. So you need the cover's for Hobby Japan Nov, Dec, Jan? I can get those scanned in if you want.
  7. lol that sound like my room. Its got the bookshelf of anime stuff with all the boxes still holding all those resin statues I have. I only have on display is my valk and some PG gundams.
  8. That would cool on the 19 but I really don't like how the bullet chain is hanging out on the side. Is that a bullet chain?
  9. I bow down to your amazing work. That's awesome.
  10. Yes they are doing the Narnia movies. Keeping themselves busy.
  11. wtf? never heard of this site. and they didn't put "Someone sent us up a bomb" as a answer for the all your base question.
  12. Actually that's a pretty good design for a head.
  13. DVD of the mini series is out already. Since the show is on it's first run in the US, we won't see the US release until sometime late 2005. UK'ers will get the first season DVD's sometime mid year. It's been speculated that the US release will likely to have more in the way of more extras just like the mini series (UK release was a bare bones release, US had full length commentary, 40 plus minute lowdown featurette on the mini, as well as a lot of interesting deleted scenes). Part of Sci-Fi's way to keep people from importing the DVD's possibly. The 3rd episode was cut in the UK (the scene in the briefing room between Starbuck and Flat Top's masturbation innuendo was cut) but aired in it's entirety in the US. Also, lots of scenes were cut from the broadcast episodes for time constraints. We might get those on the DVD release hopefully. One important one dealt with the picture the pilots tap on their way out of the ready room. That picture was a Colonial solider looking at all the destruction on Caprica, a sort of nod to the iconic 9/11 fire fighters raising the flag at Ground Zero as a "we shall never forget" type icon and was supposed to have been given to Roslin in '33' and spread throughout the fleet. Would have been cool, and prevented people asking, "what is that picture?" So that's what was up with that picture they were tapping. Now I"ll have to get the mini series dvd's. I just thought the classic series was the only one out.
  14. Just do like me and set the VCR to record it, then watch it later.
  15. Cute I'll be afraid to set on them and crush them.
  16. Ok while looking thru my Hobby Japan it had a link to this Gundam Evolve click on CM these are like commercials for the new models that came out but I'm wondering if they'll be real extended versions and not some marketing ploy. I'm liking how the Strike Gundam one is looking.
  17. Yohsho

    Hobby Japan Jan 05

    A model book full of Gundam with 1 page for Macross, anyways they had a pic of the hase VF-0D but they also had this pic there, I think its the 1/48 GBP but I can't read japanese. I'll leave it for you all to look at.
  18. And you've got the PG Strike, dammit.
  19. Nice
  20. Ah, yes. If everyone looks back in the TV&Series Section where the rough version was posted Kingnor does say that wasn't completely perfect, but still cool to watch.
  21. Yeah now it looks really cool.
  22. Can I watch?
  23. lol Connection? They both sing and everyone wants to get their hands on them.
  24. Cool, where did you get that pic Exo?
  25. *cough* 1 2 3, Using this one right now 4 hopefully this URL stuff works
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