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Everything posted by Yohsho

  1. Let's say this, your fighting a war against gaint aliens when you deafeat one that you find out is a HOT female. Plus you find out that you are the only male on board the ship. I don't know about you but I would stayed. Heck the examination process must've been fun.
  2. Colour. I think some sizes of pieces. I know the 1J has a different shaped part at the end of the lower arm. Graham or Noel said something about that in the old thread.
  3. I think its a start of a new quote like how the first one was called "The Sea and Wind and ..." and the second DVD finished the quote. So it could be "Pale blue death struggle" then #4 would be like "Over the sea" or something.
  4. Great this thread is finally back up again. Can't wait to see that one finished.
  5. Probaly its a Katoki addition. He does alot of things like that to refine stuff in the Fix Figures.
  6. I got my copy waaay before it even got licenced. Sound's ok the sub's were garbage, I couldn't understand what was going on right at the end of the story. Some of the explosions were kinda screwy. My brother got pissed cuz it really didn't follow the manga at all.
  7. Hey when did they put the shoulder pad and chest thingy with it? Last time it was just a helmet. Is there a backpack that goes along with it? Not that I'm gonna buy it or anything. IIRC the helmet was estimade at $1000 US or so.
  8. Its good to see the GM's not getting wooped for once. lol matrix, that's funny. See the little thing about the GM's comforting the Zaku after the Gundam started beating on it.
  9. I don't know maybe I'm getting old but when did they start making pieces like these? Jehuty
  10. lol I just noticed that these are in Max and Millia colours. Any idea how big that thing is?
  11. Hey Graham did you notice that the Hikaru S is wearing 001 on the nose area. I can't even see the seam on the head in the pic.
  12. Here only for a second on the beach
  13. OK so that everyone remembers, the navy chick's name is Katie and she comes from the marines.
  14. I'll repost these, well the links to them again. Shawn feel free to post the pics on the website. http://mugen.keenspace.com/images/nt_Jul_Cover.JPG http://mugen.keenspace.com/images/nt_Jul_01.JPG http://mugen.keenspace.com/images/nt_Jul_02.JPG http://mugen.keenspace.com/images/nt_Jul_03.JPG http://mugen.keenspace.com/images/nt_Jul_04.JPG http://mugen.keenspace.com/images/Animage_...e_Jul_Cover.JPG http://mugen.keenspace.com/images/Anime_Jul_01.JPG http://mugen.keenspace.com/images/Animage_Jul_02.JPG
  15. Oh yeah he's like Roy in M0. Just a flick of the arm and the gun pops around into the right direction, hey that would be pretty cool.
  16. I think those guys were smart when they decided to put those panties on Minmay. Imagine if they got lazy and didn't paint those things on.
  17. I would guess Aura from .hack but it somehow doesn't look like her.
  18. I'm such a n00b I have no friends, that PM is always so empty. *sniffle*, well fake sniffle. I have a my ICQ there for my friends that I know in RL that can't reach me due to unknown circumstances. I'd like to think on this forum that a have a few ppl who like me.
  19. l33t translator plz? t3h 1337 -> the l33t -> the elite? you know my l33t sk1llz aren't that good.
  20. Agreed G Gundam is different. I have friends who really like it and have SD Shining Gundam figures, its just when you say its DBZ meets Gundam to me it makes me shiver. I liked Gundam Wing, but my brother keeps bringing up the "Backstreet Boys" comment about the pilots which he now tried to apply to SEED but he has trouble 'cuz he can't tell the gender of some of the characters. I guess I'm the only one here who likes the Freedom gundam, but I have trouble with things with wings. Oh, and a final note G-Saviour is the worst Gundam of all time followed by Turn-A only because of "white mustache".
  21. bah, I like the fansub name Battle Fairy Yukikaze better. I'm glad to hear that someone is releasing this stuff a little faster than 3-5 years from airing in Japan. I finally saw that Pioneer is bringing Last Exile of here so I'm glad that they're actually trying. I think most of the fansubber are only gonna stop releasing episode when the DVDs and stuff appear over here.
  22. You know I watch a whole lotta anime and I still don't know who it is. Little hint plz.
  23. Ninja Member say "Green haired female never safe on MW!" Vostok 7 What about mine? She carries an axe. Oh yeah same name as the old MW forums and just as poorly spelt. oh yeah new kinda looking pissed off avatar pic
  24. Probaly the problem with storing it that way is that when in fighter modes its facing the wrong way and that is the only bullet weapon you have for close range fighter combat.
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