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Everything posted by Yohsho

  1. I used to have SC, before some SOB stole every system in my house. When I bought everything again I couldn't find it again. Xianghua all the way.
  2. I'd put that last little bit from the ninja member into a member title, but that ain't working yet.
  3. Yohsho


    Just looking at pics of the VF-9 and just wondering if company tried to make this into a model, like any mode of it.
  4. Yohsho

    I got them today....

    Ya the helmet's got these two big spaces above her head I was wondering if Yamato bother putting those in.
  5. I was kinda getting worried that they were starting to talk about me cuz mine expanded after the move over, but hey I don't have a pic in my sig at least.
  6. I know it even has the egg sack.
  7. Welcome to the club. I joined just recently when I got my 1S a couple of days ago, its sits on top of my spare comp case. All it means for me is that I'll be getting more of these babies as they come out and not buying as many textbooks this year. Damn, I'm gonna need to find some more space in my room.
  8. Yohsho

    I got them today....

    I didn't think these 2 would come out so fast. Doh, that means I'll have to get a Low-Vis then try to save up to get these 2. Hey Toonz does Minmay's helmet have the mikey mouse thing on it.
  9. Question. Can a valk launch missles off in gerwalk and battroid modes, if it is still carrying missles?
  10. Yohsho

    1/48 Line

    My vote goes for that one too. M&M TV VF-1J's are cool too. I'd like to see a Minmay guard in 1/48.
  11. Let's see they need to put in the Mig, a GBP VF-0, and a VF-1. I don't know what else.
  12. That's alot of airbrakes, did it really need that many of them?
  13. They have an entire "boob" episode in S2. Heck most of the series is like boob envy between Mahoro and Shijikyou Sensei.
  14. Hwang should be in it, he was in the arcade version. I own a XBox and a PS2, voted for the PS2 version cuz 1. I don't like Spawn. 2. Don't own a gamecube so can't have Link I would've voted for Link. I'm a Xianghua player myself. Do you know who I miss Sophita and Seung Mina. Casandra is not a good replacement for Sophita.
  15. I meant the gunpod drooping I got the arms to fit in nice.
  16. Remember this when everyone dies in the series no blood comes flying out. I'll let you guys watch NOIR its really good. Hey areaseven did you see the first episode? It has my fav kill, the necktie kill by Kirika.
  17. Just tell me if Tessa-chan is in it, then I'll think about getting it.
  18. Yeah I kinda got mad when I transformed into the armless GERWALK and the arms started flopping around and I just kept going. I don't know if its just me, but when in fighter mode and you have the gunpod hooked to the bottom does it kinda droop down?
  19. I being super detailed considered a gimmick? If it is then that would be good.
  20. 75% of my anime junk I get from online stores. The other 25% I goto stores and buy, which means trips to Richmond with a friend with a big trunk or ask anyone that goes to pick up stuff for me.
  21. Just got mine today. Just transformed it thru the 3 modes. Just one question is the heatsheild supposed to be a pain to get out? Trust me I was as gentle as I could be.
  22. I likes the background, how'd you do that?
  23. You know all I'm wondering about is at what point in time did lego make parts that could do the hands and legs on the Jehuty. I saw the pics of Kawamori's Lego SV-51 and would try to make that but I don't have the "fin" pieces it needs. I think I'm getting too old to play with lego and all these wierd little pieces.
  24. Heck for $3000 I think some of us could be a better detailed VF than that one.
  25. I remember that. It was cool when I was young and it was on a sunday morning with no competition from other cartoons. I think I still have a tape with some of the episodes on it, the UPN version.
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