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Everything posted by Yohsho

  1. I think I'll wait for the MG, Bandai seems to be pushing lots of 1/60 for Gundam SEED and it bugs me.
  2. Wow. Looks like Saber Rider is almost as popular to the Germans as David Hasselhoff. Usually when me or my brother go onto anime/mecha forums we see how many ppl know this title. But after that last comment A7 I just might have to stop asking if they know it.
  3. Now why would anyone buy a model for the 1 /100 pilot that comes with it?
  4. gotta love babelfish for the ability to mangle any language.
  5. The first valkyrie in the house was a 1/60 Roy. I wasn't too impressed with it, but I can't complain its my brothers. Then I got my 1/48 and just taking it out of box in fighter mode gave me shivers about how much like the anime it looks.
  6. Right now Gundam was the first to do a Pokemon thing, you know new stuff keeps coming out to keep the kids interested so they keep buying. Since I grew up in Canada all I got exposed to was Robotech and Transformers so that's what I like the most. I've got gundam models, but they just seem so mass produced that there is no feeling of story behind them.
  7. The GP01 is now become very temping. Hopefully in fb mode it won't be very top heavy.
  8. Say what do you think about Pita Ten, nyu?
  9. Ya I get lazy and call the D and S just GP03 cuz I can't say their names. Last time I went to Richmond my friend tried to tempt me into getting the big box known GP03D, but I wasn't gonna lug that thing around with me all day.
  10. Very well done. That reminds me, that I need to watch Gaogaigar.
  11. Hmm, very tempting PG, but I've got too many big things (ie. PG Models, Statues, Valk) in my room to fit in another one. I think I'll wait till the price goes down. I'm just wondering, why everyone wants PG GP03, the MG GP03 was big enough.
  12. So the FP's come with a little white filler piece then. Say do the micro missles hold in place?
  13. Bah I've been doing that since last year to afford the valks, now just a little more and can affored the FP's.
  14. Can we say "Bling Bling", but seriously what would the FP's look like if they were the same colour as the gunpod.
  15. Ok this anime aired on YTV , in Canada, when I was a kid before Samurai Pizza Cats started its run. I just wanna see if anyone else remembers it. It might have a different title, I think Germans know it as Bismark and the Star Sheriffs or something like that. I'll give the basic stuff about it. Let's see everyone wore like hardsuits. One guy rode around on a mechanical horse and used a sword to kill the bad guys. Another wore a cowboy hat and flew around in a plane. Another had a six wheel race car. Then there was a girl who piloted the big ship they went into. It was call Ramrod and it transfromed into a gaint cowboy I think. Oh its final attack was to have all these guns pop out and blast away. I just wanna know if that's its real title and if anyone remembers it.
  16. Bah, the only way I'm looking at this guy's back is when he's transformed and I'm driving him around running over my brother's diecast cars.
  17. I like the second one fits the Low-Vis better.
  18. I hate that, I'm walking along and just about trip over them. What I really hate is sweaty controllers. I get passed a controller and its all sweaty. I would have to take a couple of mins to dry off the controller and in that time get my butt kicked.
  19. OH jeez let's not try to go into an explanation of the ending. It'll give me headaches. All I heard was I had to watch the movie before watching episodes 22-24. For the question of what Rei is, I could give you my brother's realistic explanation "She's a living blow up doll for Gendo who misses his wife."
  20. Must get a set. Thanks for the review. What are those decals? I think one is a budwieser label but what's the top pair.
  21. Just looking at the pic posted in A7's review. Tessa-chan in a school outfit. Man, I need to get this one to watch. Shame no more mecha. I'll miss Al
  22. I think its fairly well understood by looking at the link. On a side note, that box is COOL.
  23. *Sigh* I think after Hot Rod became Prime I just stopped being a transfan. I just can't believe what's been happening to the transformers toys, but I guess that's what kids what nowadays. I just wished they would stop using Optimus's name, its like dragging it thru the mud with the poor toys.
  24. For me only certain songs ever stand out of each series. Voices, Do You Remember Love, etc. , but I haven't listened to that many Macross soundtracks.
  25. OG I can't believe you put nyo behind everything, nyu.
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