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Everything posted by Yohsho

  1. I think that should be my comment I'm the one glued to the game. Bad while trying to study for exams.
  2. It was a joke. *cough* Fire Bomber *cough* Sorry I saw someone using some kind of singin attack while wandering around.
  3. If Tatu managed to get an anime, when do us MW'ers get one?
  4. But Shin is the main character of Zero, what would be funny is they gave a CF and let him go at it with AFOS/DD/Nora.
  5. I just had a great idea how about we all pick up the second lvl job of bard and use singing attacks to defeat our enemies.
  6. I don't know, it kinda feels like a rip off if you've got smokescreen and then this guy. <_
  7. You know this is the kind of stuff that makes me want to get out of anime sometimes. Then I remember there's always some good stuff.Here
  8. The VF-1 will appear in the last ep to take out the SV's by flying nearly into space transforming and shooting down onto them. I expect Claudia, Gloval, or Misa when Roy is transferred to Macross.
  9. I will finish off being a Red Mage, cuz I like all the cool spells. Next thing I wanna do is try some theif skills, and for a second lvl job I was thinking summoner or dragooner. I prolly shouldn't say anything until I get high enough for it.
  10. I guess I should actually try to get some more lvls, instead of fishing then 2 Weeks? Hey abombz after 2 weeks tell us how many lvls you get.
  11. I'll just chalk up to them trying to everything look good. And the underage anime fandom thing is the main reason I stay away from Cardcaptor Sakura.
  12. Jeez so much chatting without me being here, I'm not gonna move from my server, sorry it took me like 7 tries to get onto Unicorn with Abombz and Vostok. lvl 13 Red mage. Perhaps I should go do some other jobs?
  13. A person won't turn in a pancake that badly, they are wearing those G-Suits for a reason. Most likey they would smash their head into the control panel and knock themselves out.
  14. About the defenses around the fleet perhaps they thought that the destroids could be enough. I liked how the ghosts had the little lightening bolt antennae from the YF-21/22. I'm just wondering about what they said about AFOS's blood being of the same type found on ASS-1, it might have been the version I got, I don't know.
  15. Perhaps those are where the flares come out. It seems that Macross Zero seems to use alot of those.
  16. Hey if you want to realize how depressing Mahoromatic can be remember that after each ep it showed how much time mahoro had to live.
  17. So I just finished watching Ep3 all I will say is it was better than ep2, but having the Vf-0 GBP animated instead of CG is odd. The only thing that really bugs me is that the overtechnology is looking really organic, does everthing need to have an eyball in it? Did anyone see Roy try to kick DD on the deck of Asuka?
  18. O I see it make more sense now, the thing that Shin fought underwater was the same things that attacked Mayan. Very cool, thanks!
  19. That was for Draw? Doh, sigh I still got a lot of good things out of it. And don't mind me about saying I'm bad at drawing and such, but I developed some sort of "problem" with it. See: Struggling Manga Artist, now add that to my other title of Starving University Student and I'm amazed I can do anything. Still I am amazed I've done this many drawings in this amount of time. How come no one has done any christmas macross stuff yet? Oh yeah really quick coloured version of the M0 flightsuit girl. Painter, Airbrush.
  20. VF-0S Valkgirl. Not as good as I expected, perhaps I should leave the valkgirls to >EXO< and bake_art I'll just stick to my other stuff. In the mean time, I'll be staring at BoB's painter tutorial, who knew you could go into such detail.
  21. Yohsho

    Sara Nome

    Good job! Finally some Sara fanart. I was worry that I was the only that liked her.
  22. Looks very cool. Can't wait. 1 question, in the 3 set of pics what is the GBP looking at? the top left corner pic.
  23. This comes with book 9? cool that means I can get this baby and put it with my Christmas Asuka and Rei.
  24. I don't know wether to laugh or be very afraid.
  25. If I ever get of at coloring I would make a 0S-Shin Kudo ver. but hey that is a totally good idea abou making a 0D valkgirl.
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