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Everything posted by Yohsho

  1. Damn that was too big I'll resize from behind, I think all that's new is he's carry his bazooka and the covers over the leg thrusters, knee mechinisms exposed I don't know what else.
  2. Ask you shall recieve, looks like the original Nu-Gundam to me, but I've never seen char's counterattack. Front. The arms have alot more black and the legs too. Resized pic.
  3. I see they've gone back to the 1950's SF about giant robots invading america. Old school they shoulda used guys in robot suits.
  4. I played ep1 on the DC not online, it was a great play and the mags were cool. I hated how XBox had all the bs about needing live even if you wanna play offline.
  5. There was 5 of them, 1 of them sold bard stuff.
  6. So I logged in this morning and wandered over to the ports of Bastok and see these guys. Travelling entertainers. I know they weren't there last night cuz I was on till about 12.
  7. Hmm, finished exams brain has gone into slacker mode. Sometimes I wonder if you guys read what I write up here or just look at the pic I post. Just recently I went to a mall near my house and the garbage cans were talking. Like saying "Thank you" and "I need to be serviced", I'm just wondering if anywhere else has these freaky things. Oh this pic is a WIP, will clean up and color and put onto a big background.
  8. Let's see, I've played as Xianghua since SC1 because she wields Soul Calibur. I like Nightmare, ok with Mitsurugi and Talim is fun with the Up, Kick, Kick, Kick, Ring Out combo. I think I'm like the only one who likes Heihachi cuz I play like a cheap bastard with him.
  9. Everyone in SC2 couldn't act. I mainly watch anime in sub format, the only ones that I've seen dubbed are the ones that have appeared on TV. I'll say Worst: Robotech Sailormoon Escaflowne Dragon Ball Z all these biased cuz I haven't seen the subbed version and prolly never will, except Escaflowne
  10. Those little birds come out as a device for the people at Vesper to know that she was actually asleep.
  11. I don't know this seems like something the guys at somethingawful would be doing to post as a rant later on.
  12. I have play it occasionally, not my type of game though.
  13. That's just funny and I didn't even realize it. Yeah, blame me.
  14. You should see my brother, he only had the game for 2 days and he got up to lvl7 it was scary. Don't worry abombz, we'll try to get something for you.
  15. All the servers get the same holidays. The Mogs weren't dressed up for Halloween, but they did give out Halloween gear. PC version, yes. Just select the mog and press enter, easy enough. Just a pain waiting to get stuff.
  16. Last one, everyone mobbing the Mog for presents.
  17. Um, still getting fireworks right now waiting for a santa hat. This one is with my brother who I got to play -> Hatsuko, Theif, wannabe Ninja.
  18. San D'Oria's Christmas is really better than Bastok's.
  19. If you look real close, the trees have snow falling around them.
  20. Sorry for the size still have no clue why its tiny, next time I'll zoom up real close.
  21. Did I mention the presents are given out once everyday game time?
  22. Hmm posting pics now. We got some presents for the mog
  23. Hopefully you've remembered to preserve all the items so that you can get fingerprints off of them later so you can check them against ppl.
  24. Play with them, I couldn't leave a valk in the box as a collectors item. You need to transform those things to know how cool they are.
  25. If its better defense than what I've got right now I"ll wear it until the next holiday.
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