Well they finally took down all the Christmas decorations, guess I should get rid of all those fireworks I collected.
Hey Effect you should give us you playonline ID so we can chat and stuff.
The christmas spectacular was fun while it lasted. You guys shoulda told me how much XP you get from parting, kicked so much butt! and I got one item needed for subjob quest.
Red Mages are fun? Maybe. But that fun doesn't last very long. For now you can hit anything with a sword, but as soon as you get beyond lv16 you won't be dealing damage at all, because the sword lv cap is pretty low on a Red Mage.
Ya ya ya I know that comment is directed at the lvl17 red mage. Just wait till I get higher up I'll become a paladin and get that white armor and I'll show you all.
Didn't you see the pics I posted, the only other thing your missing is the entire screen shaking. If your near Bastok could you check in the metalworks F-8 to see if a teleport guy is there, the NPC's name is Conrad.
Heard of it yes, watched it no. Probaly what ircks me about the series it 1. She switches from the Subaru to an ugly I can't remember the name of the car, but I think its french. 2. Some little kid is a really good driver in it.
Doh, I thought I was gonna be the first to post stuff about the revenge of the Christmas trees, I should try to post some pics later on. Another spawn point is Vomp Hill. I saw pics, its still has lights in it at night.
I might get 03 if it comes with the freaky longs arms and stuff so I can react the scene with 01, as for 04, has anyone seen any pictures from the anime of it? All I knew was it blew up when they tried to put a what was it called in it and 1 model of it.