Oh this is great I watched the trailer and got all giddy from seeing the DoA girls being played laughed at how bad it's going to be and I died a little bit inside.
I'm amazed that my avatar go posted like twice saying the needing of more boobage in the movie. Oh and I have the full version of my avatar. I'll post it later on.
Found the whole pic on the HD, panty shot!
I'd go with orbital bombardment of key areas on the planet; centers of government, powerplants, communications, military installations, then send troops to take control over the larger cities and go from there.
Still playing FF11 since that other thread was started a long time ago. Not high enough lvl for how long I've been playing it, but I still play it cuz its fun. WoW I haven't looked at, to me Warcraft is a overhead realtime wary sim not a rpg.
ugh, that mustache is hideous on snake, give him a full beard or something like that. And that suit he's wearing now doesn't leave much to the imagination for an old guy. I would be cool if it was multiplayer, being the enemy and trying to take down snake.
You know this thread comes up now, but this show was on the Space Channel up here in Canada for the longest time. IIRC the main badguy in the show was Captain Power's dads best friends or something.
Not sure, I will get 1 S but maybe I'll get another 1 to paint up and if its cool maybe a A and a D, it just depends what it comes with and what will be coming out later.