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Everything posted by Yohsho

  1. You know me, I went there thru the Bastok side. I think you've heard my story Marshlands running along the edge, got aggro 2 times, killed 1 ran from the other. Walked by a lightening elemental. Rolanberry, ran with Sneak cast on me until almost at the end then a nice little taru dragoon pointed to where Jueno was cause I got lost. Jump looks funny with taru I might add.
  2. Yes I know about this stuff. I won't bother thinking about until I'm 25 as you Vos, I did leave a msg about where I was that night. So you can't complain when I'm not around doing other things and yes there are other things out there other than MW and FF11.
  3. Ha ha, try to look all special and get knocked down. I guess if your first and second to do something it kinda makes you special. So all we have to do is get DT up to lvl20, get him a chocobo. Then we're all off to do that emissary mission. Hey imode when you say put the dragon to sleep then kill one eyeball then the other, are these on the dragon or like a whole seperate enemy? Planning something here. And NO I have gotten a advance job yet as I want to do the mission first and then get to lvl30 to try for PAL. Although I do have the first item for it.
  4. They made it like me, pure and utter luck! The only reason I made it the first time and I"ll never try to walk there again unless I"m megapowerfull and nothing will tempt to aggro me.
  5. What you're supposed to do is go attack like mad get the TP and then heal when you can. Only way I can think of.
  6. So I guess my sig is now too big. Meh time to slim the sucker down again.
  7. What I wanted was the little sit down Tessa-chan figure that came with one of the Dvd's
  8. Sure sure sure, make me seem bad. Its not like I'm playing FF11 all the time. Hey Vos see the new "toy" I got for my bro, I shall now refer to him as DT from now on. I'll get above lvl21 eventually I"m only about 2000 away. Just gotta go back and pay off some of the mob debt to DT.
  9. Can we make it a rule that we only post stuff about the 1:1 helmet only when the price drops?
  10. The other way to get onto the server is just keep creating a character and deleting it until you get onto the server you want. It took me 6? tries to get onto Unicorn.
  11. Yes those are the types of ppl who you see lying on the ground dead while everyone runs over their carcasses. those are the type of ppl who need a PT of 4 to defeat a weak little thing and try to bitch at you on how you should use another type of weapon. Those type of ppl won't get very far in the game and if they do its only because someone was very nice to them and helped them out. Sometimes I wish we could P/K then I would nuke half of the idiots myself.
  12. Ya ya ya, happy new year. Can I have my cash now?
  13. Let's see tried MW drunk like canadian drunk all I can say is the barrel rolls that roy and hikaru do look even cooler.
  14. Monkey Knife Fight!!!
  15. Couldn't we have a nice chat over some sushi?
  16. I will attempt to get Rank5 eventually to get the airship pass and also the ability to buy the Iron Musketteer Cuirass with my rank points. My bro, on the other hand, could prolly afford the airship pass in another 5-6 lvls.
  17. Ya, we would all love to go if the servers weren't down. Just hope they aren't doing anything naugthy to my character.
  18. That's what I've been doing all this time while getting lvls. I've got a little on the fishing skill done lots of quests and everything else. I don't think I could just play a MMORPG and just make a superstrong character without actually progressing in the story.
  19. I make my own so if anyone has something that look like mine than its a freak occurance.
  20. There is a feather boa in the game, it was about the only neck armor I could find for a while. I don't know about the chrome bow though.
  21. Actually the F-14 is considered to be the VF-1, as in a variable wing geometry fighter. I think. Doh, too slow.
  22. Make sure you do some of the quests the NPC's give out. That way you can understand the world a little better.
  23. Just remember which race you are so you don't make comments about a tail that you don't have at the time and were all fine.
  24. If that happened all of us would go ever there and smite them.
  25. I always thought the CF's don't get numbers on their planes cuz they get blown up so much. That saves a whole bunch of #'s for the good ppl.
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