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Everything posted by Yohsho

  1. Heck if I could take my character from server to server I would run around on all the servers I can wreaking my pituful havoc. PS I can die another 2 times bofore I need to kill more things to get my XP back up.
  2. I won't say a thing cuz' 1. I am also low on cash at this moment. 2. I've only killed 1NM and its was part of a quest. Must get cash. You know what the worst thing is. Having a brother play as a theif and always saying how he's got tons of cash. Let us in on the plan man.
  3. I won't say anything about NM hunting. I know it was my fault for the first mob of 8 Quads coming after us. Lucky that the 3 of managed to beat them off. Then the next 10? 12? was too much for use to handle. Hopefully nexttime we go hunting we don't get swarmed.
  4. I'm up for it. I need to kill some more NM's other than bubbling bernie. I should really get my WHM lvls up too. Need that mp boost.
  5. I know where its from its from the Capcom game Tech Romancer. It came out for the Dreamcast just before it died. The game featured spoofs of all the styles of mecha.
  6. Dammit! I just started growing plants 2days ago. Well they'll be dead when I get a chance to log in.
  7. Let's see, when MW is down I go to play FF11. When FF11 was down I chatted to Vostok, while checking every 10 minutes to see if MW went back up.
  8. You know you gotta love ppl who have to put a little quote before casting a spell. So, which one of you were running around nake when doing this.
  9. I can imagine the girly scream let out after the prodding.
  10. I look at this and see a movie where they do the 1 man takes on all the evil bad dudes in the world. I think it'll make good money cuz it of all the action. I might go and see it. Hellsing is the family name of the doctor from Bram Stoker's Dracula. Later, used as the name of the hero for later series, like Hellsing the anime.
  11. The Japanese never cease to amaze me with the kind of stuff that they make.
  12. I told you that last night Vos, in SGust around the Furmoils. Those NM's have stupid names.
  13. Don't we all?
  14. mmm Tresure Hunter, he's got that and now he whining about wanting treasure hunter 2. He's almost at lvl20 last time I hear about 1300 tnl then all he has to do is get the grass and manage to make it to Jueno.
  15. Bed, Cabinet. Come to think of it I've wasted alot of money on this stuff.
  16. Close up of Table, 2 Flowerpots, painting and wastebasket (an item I got from a quest)
  17. The campfire on the hill in NGust is for a quest. A person wants some sausage or something, you kill stuff to get sheep meat and then you trade it to the fire, wait and I think you get sausage back which you give to the guy and get some gil, fame points and a title(I think). Here are some pics of my mog house.
  18. Good for you! Like everything else in FF11 I HATE gobs. It seems I say "I HATE (insert something)" alot. Oh yes, thank you for the warning about Vos and roleplaying, I'll try to keep him in sword cutting his head off range.
  19. Keep up the talking like a glory hogging hume and you'll keep going home to a lonely cold bed.
  20. Since when did I become a she? Well other than in FF11.
  21. If you get lucky, try Animaxis whenever they get a copy. I'm planning to go over to Richmond and try to grab one from the Japanese bookstore there when they get it in, that's where I got my Christmas Rei and Asuka.
  22. What is it? Jueno on Unicorn has a bunch on english players there. I know a bunch in my linkshell that are there. And that's as far as I've gone in the world. Me and Vos after a long 3 hours of partying together went into roleplay mode walking back to the residential area of Jueno. We must've had a bunch of ppl wonder wtf was going on. Prolly the most classic quote that came out of the whole act.
  23. Let me get my lightsaber and start wacking. Gotta have change my sig up a bit now.
  24. Ah I see some ppl don't have a connection map saved to their comp. Go Here This is where I got mine its pretty good. Oh by the way my bro does have a chocobo, just not in the game.
  25. I had a map. Odds are I wouldn't pull it out to check in the middle of an area full of monsters that would turn me into a pile of Elvaan goo. Pulled it out at the start of the area, remembered the path I wanted to follow and ran it. I have to say I have a pretty good idea where I'm going sometimes.
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