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Everything posted by Yohsho

  1. Doh, I was going to get around to making one. When I finish I'll put it up.
  2. Yohsho

    MW Updates

    Sweet thank you very much, mmm VF-0S model, and Low Vis model.
  3. It looks good can't wait for it to come out.
  4. Worst part about being Canadian, you get stuck in the same stereotype as americans except you say eh after a sentence.
  5. I'm looking at Lineage2 right now, its a maybe for me. I will have to start up and Elf Seraphae in that game if I do go into it. You play with friends... like me?
  6. Ah, Dynamis all I know is it might be the PvP area. The playonline site did announce they would do it eventually. Hey just being able to help out in killing things is cool enough. And they're putting another way of sorting in which is good, but I wish they would put in a sort feature for the AH already. And Vos about that PT, did that happen to be DT cheering the monster on? It sounds like something he would do. Not the kicking part... but he did poke the corpse of one of his party members.
  7. I vote for getting a taru. Cuz, I'm getting bored of standing around healing. And I have been the main healer of a party before.
  8. So that means you won't be quitting anytime soon. Better stop vulturing you then too. All I've been doing is getting cash. Need to get those keys to Khazam sometime...
  9. man everytime I see taru its always cute/cool. I love how they get little armor.
  10. What they can do is PM Yellowlightman for some space at Macross Fan Creations to put up their pics.
  11. Hey abombz remember its the weekend. The stupid ppl come out on the weekend and the asses during the week.
  12. Translation: Hentai Desu!!!
  13. mmm chocolate ball.... *drool*....
  14. Remember who you're talking to here. Ah, well we'll see what happens on saturday.
  15. Right now I'm kinda glad I didn't play that much today, only checked my Auctions. I wonder how many ppl would send /t's to me asking to be a valentine. But then again I'm a scary elvaan girl.
  16. You gotta hear this, DT was getting lvls in Qufim and someone asked him if he would his Valentine. Then another guy asked if they could go on dates because they were the same lvl and from the same town. Perhaps its cuz its late that its funny. But it just is. PS DT plays as a Female Hume, Hatsuko. For those who don't know. Yeah Michea, after you do the Silver Ingot quest, you get to redo copper Ingot quest. She take copper ingots for gil. I did the silver ingot quest when the ingot sold for 1000 at the AH.
  17. I could never convince DT to give anyone money. You know what I say about him. Owing him is like owing the mob, if you don't pay him back.... Why did you want a steam clock for anyways.
  18. [seraphae]Only desperate Humes would beg and pretend it was a "gift"[/seraphae] I would give you it IF I had 20k BTW why were you hunting Ziggy, just bored of getting lvls again? and where can I get a map of the Ordelle's Caves?
  19. For shame Vostok. You should be getting lvls so we can go do the Rank 2-Whatever mission. Sheesh if you want the Braveheart SO badly just borrow the cash from DT.
  20. Hey is that the one I photoshopped for another thread?
  21. The pic, its sooo cute. Must stop staring at the little dane....
  22. Hey that was my joke from a little while ago, we all become bards and start singing like Fire Bomber.
  23. Ah man, even in AF armor I get stuck with hotpants. Thanks for the link imode.
  24. IIRC its the really scary black spikey armor I see all the time. I'll post a pic if I see one. Train wreck? That's why there aren't any elvaan females running around in this game.
  25. As a civilian I would like to live in the Mac+ Timeline and watch Sharon Apple concerts. As a war hungry pilot have to go with Space War1
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