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Everything posted by Yohsho

  1. Knowing Edgar's luck. He managed to eject out of the VF-0D only to find out his chute is on fire as he crashes into a bunch of trees. Then while he's struggling to get the chute off, Anti-UN soldiers spot him and just as they are about to shoot him, the cables snap and he crashes onto them. Allowing Edgar to get a vehicle and rescue Shin and Sara.
  2. Looking at those screens I just wonder how Shin and Sara got away. And who is that freaky looking doctor guy.
  3. If I have to gripe its the camera thing. I'm use to have the R stick move the camera around in 3rd person and the trigger going back to default home position. I haven't played very many ninja games where you get a first person mode (I don't think I've used it very often) but I like how you get infinite shurikens Jump up and start throwing. Then come down and start slashing like mad. I think I'm halfway thru the first lvl.
  4. One was eaten by Alucard the other was shot then burn himself in front of Integra. They anime missed out on the whole other half of the manga that involves the 2 nuns which then goes into the Nazi Vampire thing.
  5. That is awesome. Great job! I like how you went and painted the pilot and the little bar things on the hands.
  6. Nope, still working on our first jobs I'll get to getting those advance jobs eventually. Last nite was better for me I lvl'd up then died then lvl'd up again. So now I"m lvl26.
  7. Nooo!!!! Ah... well time for me to get 26 I guess.
  8. Tonite has to be the worst nite I've ever had playing FF11, I died twice both times raised, then after I start getting good XP playonline decides to go and mess up on me. It kept pulling me dropping me out of the game then after the last drop I was killed by a gob wandering around. Someone please tell me another place to get lvls where I won't die like this.
  9. If you consider boredom as pain... then I guess I could say I'm in excruciating pain every time I boot the game up. Dragoon is an extremely useless class. I lost my wyvern... and decent challenges were eating me alive at lv6. I don't understand why Square decided it was a good idea to make every class dex retarded. Seriously, even with A+ proficiency, easys still dodge 9 out of 10 of my attacks. As far as partying with english speakers.... I found a nice way to filter out the bad players. 90% of the players that have actualy names for character names (not a bunch of words put together) are good players. 70% of players who named their characters after anime characters (non popular anime, mind you) are good players (the other 30% just don't know any better). 100% of players who name their characters with retarded names (like slang words) are pure retards and should be avoided at all costs. 99% of players who name their characters after popular anime character (Dragon Ball Z... I'm looking at you.) are a bunch of no good retards. Another 6 hours of no pts in Jeuno.... I guess I should go lv my thf or something. Hey that's pretty good on the names. I usually pt with ppl who have usual names. Heh, I wonder where that filtering systems puts mu brother.
  10. I played it when it during its alpha and beta stages. I quit when the servers kept going down and they weren't updating the NA release to the same level as the Korean and Japanese Betas. The sad part is I had a really good character in this game too, with some rare items before I quitted.
  11. You're like me and have a life and get easily distracted.
  12. Ah, the new wedding gear they added into the game. Remind me not to get it. It looks strange.
  13. I was starting to think I was jinxed or something we didn't get that second key for like forever and whenever I cast lot on it I managed to get a pathetic low#
  14. That's a nice drawing. I won't gripe about the technical details because it looks so nice.
  15. I'm amazed that at the end with so many combined that it can stand upright.
  16. Man. Those US army guys shoulda stuck with the CS or Halo than spend money on doing this. This is asking for ppl to hack in and create stuff and go vs. the army. If anything I would go in go akimbo and hope for unlimited ammo, then go katana on them. Hey if we get a copy of this someone try to get a valk into it.
  17. Right now I'm kinda liking the trailers I've seen for this, but that's because they've been playing One Winged Angel in the background. The only thing that bugs me about the characters is that they have to look like they've been up for 3 days straight and have a nasty cold.
  18. What no MAXL?
  19. That thing has to be huge right? The more I think about the monsters in this game the more I wonder about the size of everything compared to you.
  20. I want Hudson. Then I can do my two favorite lines from the movie.
  21. Made 2 versions tell me which one you like, I didn't do anything to the pic. Its the same size. Version 1 Version 2
  22. OMG 27cm long completed!?! that's huge! As, you can see I haven't made very many models in my time.
  23. Last time I saw these strips they were in Japanese so I had no idea what they were talking about, but the one talking about the armors and the mithra nosebleed is hilarious.
  24. Ya if you noticed they're bashing RDM in it.
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