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Everything posted by Yohsho

  1. Tofu, no reason other than its a funny name for a robotic dog. Next choices would be Poppy, then Taco. Then as the trusty joke name, Inu. And remember since its a robotic dog make sure you add some numbers and letters to end of the name like Tofu-01A
  2. How deep is that into the ground?
  3. Where's that picture from?
  4. Yes, get your website up soon. From the 2 pictures that you've posted I love what you've done so far. Best of luck to you doing this project.
  5. Wandered thru the site, that's some pretty nice stuff he's got there
  6. Oh yeah Solid Snake I think it helps that I chose PS2 as well.
  7. It looks great, but where's the pilot supposed to go? or is it one of those no-pilot transforming robots.
  8. Hey I've liked it so far.
  9. I got Dudley... who the heck is Dudley?
  10. That one is good. I don't know why I like it but I do.
  11. Well, been lazy going throught this thread (the whole link to Man Faye scared/scarred me a little bit) I think that's the catgirl from WordsWorth. I'll let you guys go and look it up or watch it.
  12. Thank you for the good laugh
  13. Well, I don't know what to say. That title is pretty lame soundng and kiddie aimed. That little blurb they give out with the whole using Shadow Technology doesn't really get my hopes up either. The only thing I can say is that now when I read shadow force I think Intergalactic Space Ninjas!
  14. you make me raugh! ..."i'll be at the ramada inn eating silver dollar pancakes" talk to the guy whos a friggin bridge bunny! i might have to go into a posting rampage but i'm afraid i'll turn into hikaru's jock strapper sniffer or something worse! What's wrong with being a bridge bunny? At least then, you know your not going to die during Space War 1
  15. Are there any of those Arrows still lying around?
  16. Wha? Huh? what happened to all the pics since last page that made me drool over my keyboard?
  17. It looks like that old GI Joe airplane, except uglified. That's all I've got to say. So, anyone got pics of what the flightsuit looks like?
  18. Will look into getting this game... I just wish I kept all my Megaman6 Passwords
  19. That should be 1 kilometre, I think, not good with these things. That looks cool, lacking on the amount of ammo IMO
  20. that looks cool! and when you run out of ammo you can really swing that sucker around to beat things down.
  21. Say... LePoseur you wouldn't have anymore more pics of that cosplayer Kasumi would you?
  22. <Congradulations>!!! Now you've got to get him a plushie valk until he can handle playing with the diecast one and not stick them in his mouth. Get a little valk costume for him to wear on Halloween, get your collection out of reach before he learns that those 1/60 Yammies are supposed to "fly" Oh yeah enjoy the celebrating the baby birth with your chinese relatives.
  23. Ok, too many cute cosplay girls. I'm suffering from overload here.
  24. That's Lilith. I scared my friend about how many of these characters I knew when he took pics @ Comic Market 64.
  25. That this is ugly and I don't even think the Master Cheif would ride around in that thing.
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