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Everything posted by MasterOfPuppets

  1. Couple years ago I saw a 1/48 VF-1 and I had to have one. I was also familiar with the VF-1 design already because of TF Jetfire. So I bought a 1/48 VF-1J and proceeded to watch the source anime, SDF Macross. Loved it.
  2. Hikaru is totally rockin the Falcon Punch.
  3. Should have been more clear. Any production battroid pics? I wanna see how it looks with proper color adjustments to the hands and face.
  4. Any Battroid pics anywhere?
  5. Any confirmation of head turning yet?
  6. You know, noob doesn't have to be taken offensively. You are new to the forums, therefore are a noob. Makes sense doesn't it?
  7. Let's just hope Bandai puts this kind of effort into Macross F.
  8. I'd like to see them release Hikaru's 1J and Roy's 1S together... that is as long as they can get them out without any flaws or issues that need fixing.
  9. Very cool, not entirely accurate but judging by the leg FAST packs the changes look like personal liberties on the color scheme.
  10. Not with it's crummy breaking legs! The new ones are free of this flaw right? I remember reading this somewhere. I'm very impressed by them, they're capable of Revoltech quality poses which is just amazing.
  11. So thanks to Boxing Day (for those that don't know, the day after Xmas in Canada where all stores have great sales) I was able to pick up XS-03 and 04 together for just under $100 CAD which is pretty much JPN retail price for the 2. I really like them, love the sculpt, the articulation and accessories. Eva-00's shield is very impressive looking. I still need to pick up GX-17 of the original SOC Evas for a whole set while I'll be going SPEC for the Rebuild series.
  12. Wow that looks f*ckin fantastic. Glad I didn't buy too many 1/48s though I still love em. Hope it comes all Tampoed too.
  13. Am I the only one that saw this thread and thought it said Yamato should start sTealing boxes?
  14. I'm sure the 1A isn't the last in the series but I don't think we'll see another Macross release in a while.
  15. And Kawamori also thinks the CF VF-0 is grey . Simply put, he's a crazy mecha designing nut. And whats up with the singing to space aliens comment? Trying to diss Macross? Do you not like Macross? I do not comprende. If these toys look badass then I'll buy them, plain and simple.
  16. Well aside from the missing blue lights here, everything looks awesome.
  17. So any word on a DVD release of 1.0 yet?
  18. That looks great. What did you use to panel line?
  19. Wow that looks excellent!
  20. Here's a noob question. What's the easiest way to remove and reattach the gunpod strap between transformations? Or is there no easy way?
  21. BP8 is the back piece that folds up in Battroid mode. The back boosters for the FAST packs plug into this piece. It's held onto the main body by 2 very small pieces that protrude from the back with a pin in place. I sanded down the stopper and gave it a go and now it's in Battroid mode with FAST packs on. Scary procedure, and I think I'll be leaving those FAST packs on for good unless I decide to sticker it up in the future.
  22. Thanks for the sympathy Sumdumgai. Yeah, I'm transforming it properly. I transform my Roy 1S much more often and it's perfect. When you transform a FAST packed valk, is it best to remove them every time or just leave em on? Since I think one of the major contributors is the wiggling of the FAST packs when you have to take them out. I'm thinking about sanding down the little stopper that keeps you from folding the BP8 too high. It might reduce some stress.
  23. Ever since I broke the BP8 on my first 1/48, a Hikkie 1J, I've been extra careful when transforming the rest of my 1/48s and when putting on armor or FAST packs. So just now, I go to transform my Millia 1J which has been in fighter mode with FAST packs on for the longest time. I take the FAST packs off and go to transform when I see a stress mark forming around the BP8. Unbelievable! Is my Millia forever trapped in fighter mode? Argh, this pisses me off so much. Is there anything I can do?
  24. 1A gallery. http://taste.style.coocan.jp/hobby071114.htm
  25. I posted these in the "Strike a pose" thread as well.
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