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Everything posted by Kaolian

  1. Kaolian

    Dimension request

    I'm using them to set the lineart for the VF-1ag and the Yamato 1:48 line art exactly to scale, so I can include dimensions and whatnot. As of now, before I get a chance to put the measuremments in, the velk and VF-1ag aprts are to scale, but i don't know what scale due to the fact that I was working with photographs of different angles, depths, and resolutions. The more accurate the measurement I have for the main centerline from the nose to the wings, the better, the rest of them are just for math reference to make sure my scaled drawing meets spec. 11.5" sounds about right anyways.
  2. Kaolian

    Dimension request

    Thank you, this will help very much!
  3. The hinge on the 1:60 is wayyyyy too tall. That would be my guess why.
  4. Kaolian

    Dimension request

    Bump. Can I at lease please get the length from the tip of the nose, to the tip of the wings fully closed? Pretty please????
  5. It would be strange if someone with that high of a feedback rateing is trying to pull a scam though. I dunno. The lack of real pics is suspicious though. Maybe he got himself hacked?
  6. Kaolian

    Project VF-1ag

    Huh, the model version must have that as a seperate part or something that I missed. Oh well, easy enough to add in. Will do so when I get home. I need to remember to add the "Nose death ray flashlight thingy of doom" part to the tip of the underside of the nose armor as well. That and rebuild the gun. And the cover for the leg thruster armor intake bump cover thingy of doom" Hope I get it all doen on time. Yes, the file is autocad by the way,
  7. Kaolian

    Project VF-1ag

    There, that's somewhat better
  8. Kaolian

    Project VF-1ag

    Here is just the armor by itself. On contest day will post Ortho drawings of all the pieces, seperate and assembled. Edit: just noticed I left the shouldar armor off of both drawings, will fix.
  9. Kaolian

    Project VF-1ag

    Well, since near as I can tell, no one started a new VF-1ag thread, here it is. I think the deadline is still the 30th, but here's a preview of what I have done. I don't want to post all the views just in case one of those people with crazy 3d skills get ahold of it and knock me out of the running. Here's one with the armor scaled to fit a 1:48. Please note that the turret guns were modeled after the model pictures posted earlier. I will be changing them over to the more cannon drawing versions later on. (besides, they look warped)
  10. Sorry, I have to do this, I can't let a "one ring" spoof be shown in the wrong order like that. It's just not right! You should have: One valkyrie to rule them all One valkyrie to find them One valkyrie to bring them all And in the MACROSS bind them
  11. Kaolian

    Dimension request

    Hello, I need to request some measurements of a Yamato 1:48 so I can scale the VF-1ag armor pieces correctly. If somone could give me the following measurements, in inches, I would greatly appriciate it! 1. Length of a 1:48 in gerwalk mode with wings all the way closed, from the tip of the nose, to the farthest back portion of the wing 2. Width of the fusalage from the outside edge of each shoulder. 3. Length of the lower leg, from the top to the bottom along the leg, not including the foot. Thanks in advace for any help with this!
  12. I'm still Kaolian, destroyer of worlds and small houseplants, keeper of the Giant Yellow Aquarium Snail of doom, Commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next. Oh wait, that last bit was from Gladiator... Oops. 42!
  13. Just a thought, would setting up the scren name Captain of the SDF-1 Macross be too much of a departure from Captian of the SDF1 Macross? You could always grab that one if you don't ahve any luck with the other.
  14. Bah, who needs stuffy #1 when you can be # 42!!!!!!
  15. 1/72 = 0 1/60 = 2 1/48 = -1 Everyone that has more than 10 1:48's needs to send me one so I can umm... er... test it for valkaholikiness! yeah! that's it. Highly contageous... can cause wallet burn... Look over there! A three headed monkey! /ninja vanish
  16. There are 2 images in the VF1-AG thread that I forgot to copy over that I reeeeaaaaallllyyyy need to get a copy of soon. It's for the cause!
  17. Kaolian

    Meeting with yamato

    Ask them about secret project xk-29z-delta? I dunno. Maybe ask them if they have plans in the future to release a weapons pack for the 1/60's or 1/48's. Maybe not just the existing strictly Canon bombs and missiles, but others modeled after existing real bombs and missiles. Ex: wing reactor mass tanks, Sensor pods for special ops missions, Stuff like that.
  18. Woohooo!!! Member number 42!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, couldn't help it.
  19. I have a bootleg autopost macro I could sell you... Left over from a "let's make the worlds longest thread" event. One macro to rule them all! One macro to find them. One macro to bring them all, and to their post count bind them!
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