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About Kaolian

  • Birthday 10/15/1979

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    3,000,000,008? Ok, ok, maybe just 50 or so.

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Cannon Fodder

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  1. Looking great! the line art helping any?
  2. It's true!!! I have pictures!!! http://www.strike9.com/file.ashx?path=%2fp...nkrynugget3.jpg
  3. Kaolian


    Or "half fighter" and by some "quarter battroid" 1/8th Chicken mode?
  4. It's addictive because I got #42!!!!! <---
  5. Nice! What are you using as the base material in the middle? On the adjusted line art project, i have made a few adjustments, but am waiting to find a digital vernier caliper to replace the one that just died for no reason whatsoever after falling from a height of 5 feet onto concrete and then being backed over by a chair leg roller. Stupid cheap american caliper! Anyways, as soon as I find a replacement, that part of the project will proceed again.
  6. I think someone could make a mint as a hinge recaster...
  7. If anyone wants to see more line art, here is the conceptual renderings based on it. I am curently in the process of refining them based on the 1/48 so they will be a bit more accurate. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...f=22&t=322&st=0 Looking Good so far Fulcy! Have the drawings been of any help?
  8. Ouch, that royally sucks in every way imaginable. Hopefully it will work out in the end. Good luck, and let us know if we can help!
  9. Correction: 1/72 = 0 1/60 = 2 1/48 = 1!!!!!!!! Fast packs I have: 1/72 = 0 1/60 = 2 1/48 = 0
  10. The plastic will regain its normal tensile strength, and theoretically at least will do so faster than the glue will. Plus with the different material characteristics freezing, or even freezing then putting in hot water should cause the bonded surfaces to expand and contract away from the glue, at least a little. The only concern I could see with the freezing then heating quickly method would be splitting if the plastic is especially brittle. I'm not sure what kind of plastic it is made out of (yes, I am one of those sad individuals that have enver seen a joke machine up close). If it is standard injection molded toy plastic, that shouldn't be a problem.
  11. Have you tried freezing the poor lil thing for a day or two to see if the change in temperature when you thaw it back out loosens the glue any? Alternativly, a warm water bath for a few minutes amy also help. For the freezing method, just make sure the plastic doesn't get brittle. You might also want to grab a large container of WD-40, pour some into a bowl and let the Joke Machine sit in it for a while and see if that helps any of the areas where you have already picked some of the glue out of. Make sure to test this first on a non exposed part to make sure the WD-40 doesn't eat the paint. Alternativly, depending on how old the glue is and how flexible the plastic is, you can try the "felt and hammer" method. Find a small ball pean hammer, and a fairly thick piece of felt. Place the felt over the glued area, then strike gently with the hammer starting in the middle and working your way outwards. This takes a bit of practice, but you should be able to break up some of the glue without damaging the plastic. That's all that I can think of at the moment. Hope that helps!
  12. Well, here's what I want to know. What was the physically largest sized icon of macrossosity ever built. VF-1's The macross itself, ground crew transport, whatever. I want to know what is the model someoen needed to build a seperate extension of their house just to have enough room. Anyone know?
  13. oops mode?
  14. The big question now is whether they will ever release a superdimensional cheese wedge fast pack. That would be cool Yes. I'm insane. The doctors are working on it. Just ignore me for now.
  15. Yes! even toilet seat with fast packs way cooler!
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