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Everything posted by spiderman

  1. OT The temp this week has been cold an rainy. Should be a little warmer this weekend. /OT I think the only day I could manage to go to FS is on a Saturday.
  2. I keep meaning to go there. Just finding the time to go is tough.
  3. Temecula myself. We should really be San Diego County as we are just this side of the county line.
  4. What I find interesting is that the preorder for hte ride armour on HLJ is more than the Robotech.com one. http://www.hlj.com/product/BEA07049 Do want either way.
  5. Got my notice this morning as well. Can't wait, except I have to make space for it.
  6. Got 'em, love 'em. Thank you sir.
  7. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/7559471.stm More news on the Rocky Horror "Remake".
  8. The comment about politics is so true. Stay out of it if you can. There is studio near my house that I keep meaning to go to. They also have Kendo, which is why I wanted to check it out. Just not enough time in the day when you have young kids.
  9. 10 years (WTF) Tae Kwon Do. 2nd Degree Black Belt. Haven't had time to training for awhile now. Had a falling out with my old studio and it's been hard to find a studio that will lwt me teach in exchange for working out. I too am not one for contracts.
  10. Got mine yesterday. No complaints so far. Gettign the hip bar in place in B mode is going to take some getting used to. But I like how it all holds together.
  11. Put me down for 2 Large please.
  12. Just in case nobody knew, the toasters are available for purchase in limited number. http://www.nbcuniversalstore.com/detail.ph...af41cfeff4f78cd Got mine yesterday.
  13. Temecula California
  14. The only problem I am having is, trying to get the engine pushed back far enough so I can get enough space to fit the rider in. I have the MH version.
  15. 1/48: 4 1/72: 3 1/55: 3
  16. Family Guy set 1 (although I have most of the eps on my pc in mpg format) Simpsons Season 1 & 2 Futurama season 1 & 2 I didn't know about Season 3 Simpsons. Another thing to add to the list of things to get.
  17. I love my Kaiyodo's. At some pont I will get the SOC's. Now I just need a better display case.
  18. I voted Online, but it seems like I've gotten them from all over. Valkryie-Exchange, HLJ, Animenation, Local toy- store (My YF-19 game color edition) Comi-con (my YF-21)
  19. My friend has an evil sock monkey. We would take it climbing with us and it would just sit there staring at you really creepy like... Most prized possession, hum...I would have to say that it's a toss up between my yammie yf-19 and my Spider-man action figure from the 70's. I just recently reaquired one after the one I had as a kid was used for a science project.
  20. I'm still me, just with a new Avatar.
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