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Everything posted by rosedoggydog

  1. oh eff me...do I preorder now or take my chances at eccc? What to do?
  2. They, themselves, won't be there but it has always been a place that seems to have things very early. I'm sure I may be paying some scalping price but at least this is worth a shot.
  3. OH BOY! Emerald City Comic Con is coming up in May in Seattle...I sure hope that Series 3 is there.
  4. That looks good, I like it. I used Krylon to seal mine and when looking at the enlarged pics, I'm not too thrilled about the way it dried. I thought about lining mine in pencil then sealing but I might go over in Gundam.
  5. Why they don't offically release a 1/48 in this color scheme is beyond me. It would sell really good (IMO), they could even call it KOCrap and it wouldn't matter. 1/48th scale, I'm eyeing you still as my next Skyfire.
  6. Nope just the $60 it cost me between the two figures I used to do this. I know better now and would only do one. By the time I got everything I needed just for this job it cost me $100 just in parts.
  7. Please feel free to leave feedback/comments
  8. Here is some more (with scale). 1/48 > 1/55 > 1/100
  9. I had entered a contest for kitbashing on a transformers site and I decided on doing a 1/100th Skyfire. I'm really disappointed that the Super & Strike parts weren't availble yet from Toynami. I had fun doing this it was challenging for such a small scale. Now that it has been offically entered I may spend to time and finish the rest of it. Enjoy.
  10. no word on the series 3 yet huh? It Feb. already.
  11. Why not RIT dye them instead? Probably about the easiest way of doing it. Get a junk cooking pot that you'll never eat out of again and give it a shot. If you don't like it you can still paint them.
  12. I read in Toy Review (I think thats the name of that magazine) that wave 3 will be availble this February 08'. I really hope so. I like these little guys for what they are. So far I have: SDCC exclusive Hikaru 1S 2-Roys 1-Hikaru 1J I NEED those fast packs.
  13. GAWD I hope Has/Tak doesn't f'ck up Megatron. I thought the rumors were that the Cadillac Alt was going to be Megs. Oh that MP-03 SS is teh sexy. He alone will make up for that travisty that will be the L.A.R. movie and its toys.
  14. They are the same thing, everyone knows this! 425922[/snapback] I thought that way too until I watched my first Macross DVD last night and I couldn't get my son to stop say macross all night...(why is eveyone looking at me?)...Yeah so um who likes 80's Go-Bots?
  15. All the season 1 and 2 TF's were diaclone toys orignally (supposedly). It wasn't until that nifty commerical TF:TM that hasbro start getting original (Hot Rod, Rodimus Prime).
  16. Are you serious?!? WTF?!? 424455[/snapback] You think? I posted that link was to a japanese toy shop after all. XD Its like BT asterisk but the roles reversed i guess. 424467[/snapback] Okay I think I remember reading something about that but I didn't know that they were creating new characters all together. They have already done police (BT-Prowl Honda) and fire (BT-Red Alert Subaru), unless this is Streetwise from the Protectobots. Well here's to hoping that they start working on an Alt. Camaro...BumbleBee? BumbleBee is going to be a new Camaro in the movie after all and VW is still be b!tches about not wanting to license their name to toys of war.
  17. cool meister K.O. but his legs are mis-transformed.
  18. That's the Robot Master Starscream, he has metal parts too. I have him, SW & TC. They're a great size against the 1/100 Valks. The Takara re-issue 09 (I think) is great example of G1 anime colors (plus he come with megatron in gun mode and fist for G1 optimus prime, so that he can hold him). The Robot Master line is a cross between articulation and cartoon character and the seekers are very much worth having. We're tools and Hasbro knows this. Just take a look at bendy Prime (Delux Armada Optimus Prime), look at how many times he's been repainted and re-released...we still buy him.
  19. I was gonna say Fry's too.
  20. OMG the new pics of MP-03 are up and he looks sweet! Pathetic Fools...There's no escape! btw he comes with a pilot, Dr. Arkiville
  21. PA rocks! they've done about 3 TF strips. As for that American Chopper version of Optimus Prime, the rumors won't go away that its going to be him. I think this would be a lot scheme for Optimus Prime.
  22. Good lord...20 years? To help date us old-school fans a bit, the average 18-year old incoming college freshmen this year weren't even born yet. One of my best memories of that movie was when I first saw the commercial for it. I ran into the kitchen and told my mother that there was a TF movie coming out, and was greeted with a look of abject terror. She swore to never take me to it, but ended up conning a friend of Mom and Dad's instead. 423494[/snapback] Even at 20yrs old, it still remains the best commerical ever (It was a good movie too). Supposed to be re-released with re-issue 20th Ann. Optimus Prime.
  23. Don't feel bad, most TF fans haven't seen him yet (in store). I bought mine off of ebay and one day walking through target I finally found one but the next day he was gone. It also doesn't help that some Wal-Mart have started clearancing Alts. @ $15.00 right before the holidays come upon us. Can't wait for the new molds that are supposed to hit us next year (Honda, Cadillac, Jaguar).
  24. Thanks! As for the childhood memories, I understand and it cool getting my son into also. Yeah I know all about bleeding wallets and Alts. haven't been helping the cause. I dropped and easy $150 for my G1 Jetfire and thats because it came with the styro-foam. Some of the Takara re-issues have been commanding top dollar (00-Optimus Prime = $230.0 +, Soundwave = $150+). SDCC didn't help matters either with Hasbro releasing Alt. Nemesis Prime the same day on their website and at SDCC. HTS.com got crashed from to many people and then SDCC didn't have enough Alt. N.Primes. A few people were able to get their orders in but if you weren't lucky enough (like me) you have to turn to evilbay where he's at $50 before shipping. What is really cool with the Alt. line is that repolables.com have been making decals for Alts giving them more of a G1 appel. Meister/Jazz is probably the best of this example. As for the jet alts. if they are produced I would assume that their cost is going to go up because of their size. It might not be that far off to expect a $25-$30 price range. What sucks about the alt line is that if you choose to take a break from them or decide to pass on one (because its a repain) only to get it later, it might not be there and it may be commanding $100 (see Alt. Swerve on ebay). 1/1 LowViz Lurker - if there are any particular alts you are looking for let me know and I "might" be able to help you out.
  25. Nice pics. Too bad the person didn't get close up pictures of the Max and Milia with fast packs in jet mode. Those two are at the top of the display case in the event someone hasn't noticed them in the "display case" pictures. They look great from what little I can see of them. 422784[/snapback] 422897[/snapback] Awesome pics. Thanks. Max was always my favorite. 422972[/snapback] I've had the SDCC one for a week now, he's the perfect size to do battle with my RM-Seekers. I picked up the Roy F. last night too. To bad they don't make fast packs for these...yet.
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