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Isamu test pilot

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Everything posted by Isamu test pilot

  1. Ohhh, someone knows where I can watch the Macross special, How a look for the torrent of this show, any help will be very appreciate
  2. This Sunday is the TV special of Macross, my god, anyone know where I could watch it or get it, please someone... I am in Mexico
  3. Time to complete the collection
  4. Hi Man the display of your collection is simple, beauty and looks great, really nice way to show your stuff
  5. Yes, it would be better to seal the boxes, actually I think the toys will arrive in better status
  6. I think a Monster of 1/60 will be great and I am sure enough people want it (I am one of them) to make one.
  7. Wow, your Monster is beautiful, could you let me know where I can buy this kit? Thank you
  8. Great collections Nexx2, the reactive armor, YF-19 and the VF-0B looks great, I really like it that two and all your stuffis really nice
  9. Hi my friend, Well, the one I have looks real, I really hope it is real
  10. Hey What do you think about the t-shirt of Macross that Cospa will release in February? http://www.cospa.com/detail/id/0000021797 http://www.cospa.com/detail/id/0000021789
  11. OK, pretty interesting, but then when Sara override the BirdmanĀ“s programing and calms down, the Monster Destroid attacked but the Birman resisted and then the Birdman did some kind of fold, right? Where did it go?
  12. I am in a business trip and at free time I was talking with a coworker that he just saw Macross Zero, then he asked me what exactly is the Tori no hito... and I can explain it pretty well, actually it was the first time I though about it... So I want to ask you the same, What exactly is the Tori no hito? is it alive? just a mecha? is it a weapon of the Supervision army or someone else? Please if there is a topic where I can see it, just give me the link... any info will be great
  13. Eugimon and Sketchley I am learning a lot with all the info you are takling about, thank you
  14. I think you are right, the original cover from the past release is pretty original and beautiful, here a pic of mine DVD Flash back where we can see how it looks despite of the bad photo I took
  15. Man, this VF-4 is more than great, thank you very much for share it Please do not worry your pics are very good, in fact mines are bad
  16. Hi Valkyrie Addict, you are right, the VF-4 still rocks About Oscar and Guadalupe I am waiting only for the VF-1S and the YF-19 both 25 aniversary version, this will be the last 2 kits they do for me, the next one I will do myself, I hope I do a goob job.
  17. But, I think it could be a possibility of make a limited preorder, I mean open the preorder and only make the number of Monsters preordered... I think they are a lot of Macross fans that really wants something like this (I am one of them )
  18. A innocent question Any posibility of another Monster toy, but this time the ver. from the TV series or the Macross movie? Just imagine a Yamato 1/60 MK-II Monster Destroid
  19. I do not like the ending of the TV M7 series, I like all the unresolved issues because I think Macross alway will be that way, it is just that there is something about M7 that do not seems right for me... perhaps is just that I do not like Basara and his behavior, his music is OK in the other hand
  20. By the way, I have a babygirl only 2 moths old... and when I was looking her name I found that Milia is a German girl name, here is the link http://www.babynamescountry.com/meanings/Milia.html Curious, do not believe?
  21. Yeah, CDJAPAN is pretty reliable, in fact I have been ordering from CDjapan for almost 6 years and always I recieve my cd/dvd without any problem... very very good Only Cdjapan is a expensive than Amazon, but always pack pretty well all orders (at least in my case). I recommend you to use EMS express mail for shipping, the best way to ship from Japan w/tracking number, is a little more expensive than registered airmail but you can track the parcel all the time, specially if your are in a country with some dificult to import items... (I am in Mexico). Amazon is really good and a cheaper than cdjapan, but I know they only use Fedex for international shipping, if I am wrong please someone let me know
  22. OK, Mech Tech, you work on this project is really great, but if I can help you in anyway it will be my pleasure my firend Awaiting your update, take care
  23. Yes you are right, the kit is OK, but the box is better, I have to say that the best of this kit is the replica of the plate that have the lyrics of Aioboeteimasuka, is really pretty good
  24. Thanks for the advise, in fact I speak japanese good enough to understand a TV program 90%...
  25. OK 1/72 = 0 1/60 = 5 1/48 = 2
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